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Browse Rules: 6,133 matches

These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
china (China) I was born in china Upper/Lowercase
china (China) I always wanted to visit china Upper/Lowercase
queens (Queens) I'm from queens Upper/Lowercase
bay area (Bay Area) The bay area is home to many technology companies. Upper/Lowercase
long beach (Long Beach) I was born in long beach Upper/Lowercase
long beach (Long Beach) Long beach is a city in California. Upper/Lowercase
long island (Long Island) I was born in long island Upper/Lowercase
long island (Long Island) Long island is an island near New York City. Upper/Lowercase
the dutch (Dutch) The dutch people are the tallest in the world. Upper/Lowercase
the polish (polish) The polish government. Upper/Lowercase
the polish (polish) He's learning polish. Upper/Lowercase
New guinea (New Guinea) New guinea is a large island separated by the shallow Torres Strait from the rest of the Australian continent. Upper/Lowercase
proper noun 'Japan' I lives in japan. Upper/Lowercase
proper noun 'Turkey' (country) I'm from turkey. Upper/Lowercase
royal mail (Royal Mail) The royal mail is a postal service and courier company in the United Kingdom. Upper/Lowercase
royal air force (Royal Air Force) The royal air force is the United Kingdom's aerial warfare force Upper/Lowercase
frisbee (Frisbee) He went to the park to throw his frisbee. Upper/Lowercase
parmesan (Parmesan) He sprinkled grated parmesan over the spaghetti. Upper/Lowercase
Lowercase word after word and no space in between LanguageTool offers spell and grammar checking.just paste your text here. Upper/Lowercase
ai (AI) Increasingly good ai systems mean we can get more out of robotics. Upper/Lowercase
Pleaser (Please) let me know when you need these Pleaser let me know when you have some time to discuss. Possible Typo
'breath of scope' (breadth of scope) It should be noted, however, that invariance might not be the only way to attain a large breath of scope. Possible Typo
Lmk if that fits your schedule ass (as) well We could do the same time we did last time, please let me know if that fits your schedule ass well so we can plan something for next week. Possible Typo
He (The|Her) question is whether we can extract... He said he company has yet to collect a dime. Possible Typo
ad nauseaum (nauseam) The topic that has been discussed and analyzed ad nauseaum. Possible Typo
machine leaning (learning) It is one aspect of machine leanirng bias. Possible Typo
can be seem (seen) Prioritization can be seem in the following two ways. Possible Typo
I a m (am) I a m happy. Possible Typo
I a m (am) She i s happy. Possible Typo
I a m (am) We a re unable to do this. Possible Typo
I have a lot on (of) balls I have a lot on ball. Possible Typo
sou (you) Sou might also help me with this kind of question. Possible Typo
the re (are) The re are many options. Possible Typo
overt he (over the) He jumped overt he fence. Possible Typo
It cam (can) happen anytime. It cam happen. Possible Typo
Welcome to mu (my) house Welcome to mu house. Possible Typo
Britney Spears misspellings Last night I saw Briney Spears in WeHo. Possible Typo
coudn't (couldn't) I coldn't see him. Possible Typo
the're The're happy. Possible Typo
it'a (it's) It'a extremely helpful when it comes to homework. Possible Typo
look (lock) the door please look door Possible Typo
wrongly split words with hyphen The break- up was painful. Possible Typo
wrongly split words with hyphen The seco- ndary school. Possible Typo
wrongly split words with hyphen The pia- nist plays classic jazz. Possible Typo
wrongly split words with hyphen The pia- nist plays classic jazz. Possible Typo
Hellos (Hello) Hellos Christian. Possible Typo
a3ft (a 3ft elephant) We saw a3ft elephant. Possible Typo
HIPPA (HIPAA) This is not a HIPPA violation. Possible Typo
I was going to drop by an (and) see what's up I was going to drop by an see what's up. Possible Typo
I was going to drop by an (and) see what's up He took the cards an chips and ran off. Possible Typo
I want to know id (if) you'll be there I want to know id you'll be there. Possible Typo
A couple or (of) them went the other way A couple or them went the other way. Possible Typo
A couple or (of) them went the other way Below is a list or guidelines on how to handle the different situations. Possible Typo
A couple or (of) them went the other way Injuries are part or the sport. Possible Typo
My life as (has|was) gotten a lot busier in the last month My life as gotten a lot busier in the last month. Possible Typo
Numbers in words Go0d morning! Possible Typo
There a re (are) a few items missing There a re a few items missing. Possible Typo
youre vs your Please update the sheets with youre results. Possible Typo
youre vs your Youre car seems broken. Possible Typo
youre vs your I think youre car is broken. Possible Typo
your'e (you're) it Sorry, but your'e insufferable today. Possible Typo
they area (are) I'm not sure what you area speaking about. Possible Typo
fort the (for the) This is the best solution fort the company. Possible Typo
this look slike (looks like) an error This sound slike an error. Possible Typo
y'al (y'all) What songs have y'al been vibing to lately? Possible Typo
isn'r (isn't) Sorry, we can'r reproduce the problem. Possible Typo
Unite State -> United States As late as 1959, Anne Cole, one of the United State's largest swimsuit designers, said, "It's nothing more than a G-string. Possible Typo
Unite State -> United States I live in the united state. Possible Typo
Unite Kingdom -> United Kingdom I live in the unite kingdom. Possible Typo
died-in-the-wool -> dyed-in-the-wool He's a died in the wool Knicks fan. Possible Typo
died-in-the-wool -> dyed-in-the-wool He's a died-in-the-wool Knicks fan. Possible Typo
fair sure → fairly sure I'm fair sure. Possible Typo
we'are → we're We'are happy. Possible Typo
we'are → we're I'am happy. Possible Typo
we'are → we're She'is happy. Possible Typo
were're → we're While were’re at it Possible Typo
has it advantages → has its advantages Living on your own has it advantages. Possible Typo
looks likes → looks like So far it looks likes this. Possible Typo
looks likes → looks like It look likes this. Possible Typo
Kin (kind) regards Kid regards, Carl. Possible Typo
perpetuum mobile Tito's perpetuem mobile kept rotating during the stagnant 1970s. Possible Typo
well suiting, well suitable → well suited I found it to be well suiting my needs. Possible Typo
well suiting, well suitable → well suited This makes applets well suitable for demonstration. Possible Typo
well suiting, well suitable → well suited I found it to be well-suiting my needs. Possible Typo
well suiting, well suitable → well suited The human brain is not particularly well-suiting for thinking analytically Possible Typo
well suiting, well suitable → well suited I found it to be well qualifying my needs. Possible Typo
well suiting, well suitable → well suited This makes applets well qualifiable for demonstration. Possible Typo
well suiting, well suitable → well suited I found it to be well-qualifying my needs. Possible Typo
well suiting, well suitable → well suited The human brain is not particularly well-qualifiable for thinking analytically Possible Typo
pee-configured (pre-configured) The tool came pee-configured. Possible Typo
add-no (add-on) LanguageTool is available as a browser add-no. Possible Typo
son't (don't) I son't know what you mean! Possible Typo
t he (the) I'm t he best. Possible Typo
inconsistent case in contraction (e.g. I'Ve) Maybe I'Ve seen this before. Possible Typo
mah (my) You are mah brother. Possible Typo
mi (me) Can you feel mi? Possible Typo
hing (thing / hang) The hing is, I really don't understand what you want. Possible Typo
hep (help / hip) He heps you to save lifes. Possible Typo
I need helps (help) I need helps. Possible Typo
Misspellings of 'Papua New Guinea' He was born in Papa New Guinea. Possible Typo
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-09-18 16:45:22 +0000)