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Browse Rules: 6,133 matches

These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
on the contraire (au contraire) On the contraire, you've been following me home! Possible Typo
damp squid (squib) The last firework of the evening was a disappointing damp squid. Possible Typo
cursing (coursing) through veins It felt like the drugs were cursing through veins. Possible Typo
daring-do (derring-do) He impressed all the ladies with his daring-do. Possible Typo
death nail (knell) The fall of the Berlin Wall was the death nail for the USSR. Possible Typo
reap what you sew (sow) You always reap what you sew. Possible Typo
spare (spur) of the moment It was a spare of the moment decision. Possible Typo
tongue and (in) cheek He said it with a fair amount of tongue and cheek. Possible Typo
urine analysis (urinalysis) They got the results of the urine analysis the next day. Possible Typo
wet (whet) your appetite The first John Wayne movie will only serve to wet your appetite. Possible Typo
tattle-tail (tattle-tale) Every child hates a tattle-tail. Possible Typo
old wise tail (old wives' tale) The story of the monster was only an old wise tail. Possible Typo
on the lamb (lam) The criminals spent most of the summer on the lamb. Possible Typo
youll will (you will) You'll will want to make sure you get the daily special. Possible Typo
it's is (it is) She's is the best dancer on the west coast. Possible Typo
it's are (it is) She's are the best dancer on the west coast. Possible Typo
were are (we are) We're are the favorites to win the championship. Possible Typo
Im am (I am) I'm am a madman. Possible Typo
Ive have (I have) I've have no problem taking the first watch. Possible Typo
It's has (It has) She's has no problem taking the first watch. Possible Typo
Id would (I would) He'd would want to wake up early. Possible Typo
flashpoint (flash point) The flashpoint of lead is very high. Possible Typo
can backup (back up) Did you know you can backup your data on an external drive? Possible Typo
They backup (back up) They backup their files. Possible Typo
can blackout (black out) You can blackout if you have any more to drink. Possible Typo
setup (set up) She has setup the tent in thirty seconds. Possible Typo
setup (set up) She can setup the tent in thirty seconds. Possible Typo
setup (set up) They setup a meeting. Possible Typo
setup (set up) We didn't setup a meeting yet. Possible Typo
setup (set up) They setup a meeting. Possible Typo
can workout (work out) We can workout after we get lunch. Possible Typo
can workout (work out) We wanted to workout after we get lunch. Possible Typo
can workout (work out) We workout after we get lunch. Possible Typo
can workout (work out) We didn't workout after we got lunch. Possible Typo
hangout (hang out) We can hangout and enjoy a few beers. Possible Typo
hangout (hang out) They hangout in the yard. Possible Typo
rollout (roll out) We can rollout the feature tomorrow. Possible Typo
rollout (roll out) They rollout the release tomorrow. Possible Typo
can checkin (check in) She can checkin tomorrow. Possible Typo
can checkout (check out) She can checkout tomorrow. Possible Typo
got shutdown (shut down) Before he could get assigned to it, the project got shutdown. Possible Typo
got shutout (shut out) The Mets got shutout by the Phillies. Possible Typo
in along (a long) time I haven't had a shower in along time. Possible Typo
in anyway (any way) Make sure you get the plans, in anyway possible. Possible Typo
incase (in case) of Always keep a baseball bat by the bed, incase of an emergency. Possible Typo
Portland Trailblazers (Trail Blazers) On Tuesday the Nets play the Portland Trailblazers. Possible Typo
take awhile (a while) I'm sorry sir, your laundry will take awhile longer. Possible Typo
to backout (back out) There's still time to backout of the deal. Possible Typo
to blackout (black out) He didn't want to blackout in front of his professor. Possible Typo
to comeback (come back) The Mets gave the Yankees too much of a chance to comeback. Possible Typo
along (a long) time After along time the lovers were reunited. Possible Typo
downpayment (down payment) The couple made their first downpayment on their new house. Possible Typo
ala mode (a la mode) He loves his pie ala mode. Possible Typo
afterall (after all) Afterall, there isn't any food to be had in this country. Possible Typo
I am worry (worried) I am worry about her. Possible Typo
must of the time (most of the time) It's true must of the time. Possible Typo
complement / compliment She was complemented on her beautiful eyes. Possible Typo
complement / compliment My sincere complements on your cooking. Possible Typo
complement / compliment Please just take the complement. Possible Typo
confusion of hart/heart She had a hart attack. Possible Typo
confusion of fond/fund A vulture fond is a... Possible Typo
confusion of contract/contact Please contract me as soon as possible. Possible Typo
confusion of contract/contact He signed the contact yesterday. Possible Typo
in to (into) I go in to the garden. Possible Typo
in to (into) It is split in to two sections. Possible Typo
in to (into) Can you get us in to the top 10? Possible Typo
in to (into) Can you look in to that? Possible Typo
in to (into) Can you look in to what happened? Possible Typo
in to (into) Let's have a look in to that. Possible Typo
to get ride (rid) if (of) Let's get ride of that broken chair. Possible Typo
to get ride (rid) if (of) Let's get rid if that broken chair. Possible Typo
for time to time (from time to time) He buys a car for time to time. Possible Typo
tome (time) I have no tome. Possible Typo
tome (time) I found tome to read. Possible Typo
save (safe) It is not save to eat moldy food. Possible Typo
save (safe) It is save to ignore trivial code when writing unit tests. Possible Typo
save (safe) Are we save? Possible Typo
save (safe) Are we save? Possible Typo
save (safe) Is it save to go there? Possible Typo
save (safe) Is it save to go there? Possible Typo
save (safe) He could safe my life. Possible Typo
save (safe) He usually safes my life. Possible Typo
save (safe) He is save and sound. Possible Typo
save (safe) I want to safe the world. Possible Typo
save (safe) Safe the date! Possible Typo
confusion of 'sav' vs. 'save' I will sav money for my car. Possible Typo
confusion of 'sav' vs. 'save' I sav money for my car. Possible Typo
confusion of 'typ' vs. 'type' I can typ on a keyboard. Possible Typo
confusion of 'typ' vs. 'type' I typ on my typewriter. Possible Typo
confusion of 'aways' vs. 'always' I would aways lock the door before going to sleep. Possible Typo
confusion of 'aways' vs. 'always' I aways check the stock price. Possible Typo
confusion of 'aways' vs. 'always' Russia is aways described as becoming more assertive on the international stage, something that is above their station. Possible Typo
confusion of 'sill' vs. 'still' I would sill lock the door before going to sleep. Possible Typo
confusion of 'sill' vs. 'still' I sill always check the stock price every morning. Possible Typo
confusion of 'sill' vs. 'still' I'm sill looking for you. Possible Typo
confusion of 'tel' vs. 'tell' He will tel the truth. Possible Typo
confusion of 'tel' vs. 'tell' He always tels the truth. Possible Typo
confusion of 'tel' vs. 'tell' He really wanted to tel the truth. Possible Typo
confusion of 'tel' vs. 'tell' Tel a friend! Possible Typo
to be elder (older) than She is elder than her brother. Possible Typo
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-09-15 16:45:17 +0000)