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Browse Rules: 6,133 matches

These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
'was I am doing' (etc.) What was I am doing again? Grammar
despite of (despite) He kept running despite of the pain in his chest. Grammar
Two consecutive articles, e.g. 'the a' The a thing is this. Grammar
Two consecutive articles, e.g. 'the a' Can you spot the the mistake in this post? Grammar
Two consecutive articles, e.g. 'the a' I like a this dog. Grammar
Two consecutive articles, e.g. 'the a' The 'an international movie' is interesting. Grammar
In the us (US) I live in the us. Grammar
In the us (US) I live in the uk. Grammar
In the us (US) I live in the u.s.a. Grammar
In the us (US) I live in the u.s. Grammar
In the us (US) I live in the u.k. Grammar
the it (IT) Please send it to the it. Grammar
The you (you) Strode past the now frightened man, entered the he house. Grammar
an another (an/another) It's an another lonely night. Grammar
first come, first serve(d) First come, first serve. Grammar
shoe-in (shoo) He says some of his supporters thought he was a shoe-in. Grammar
prostrate (prostate) He was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. Grammar
worse come to worse (worst) Worse came to worse. Grammar
much worst (worse) The conditions in March were much worst than they imagined to be possible. Grammar
knot (not) She does knot know everything. Grammar
Repetition of two words ('at the at the') Hepatology at the at the turn of centuries. Grammar
according to According about a recent survey, most smokers suffer from cancer. Grammar
good (well) You speak English very good. Grammar
week end (weekend) We went golfing on the week end. Grammar
after noon (afternoon) I will have lunch in the after noon. Grammar
after noon (afternoon) It happened on Sunday after noon. Grammar
thereafter In general, the frequency of clinic visits and investigation is most intense in the first year after the transplant, and it decreases gradually there after. Grammar
thereafter In general, the frequency of clinic visits and investigation is most intense in the first year after the transplant, and it decreases gradually there after Grammar
thereafter ... after the said disposition was made, and there after return to his house. Grammar
thereafter and might there after happen, through sickness or other lawful impediment. Grammar
Compound adjective: brand new Yesterday, she bought a brand new car. Grammar
Compound adjective: brick red She hast a brick red car. Grammar
Compound adjective: bug eyed … generating a parade of little green men and bug eyed monsters. Grammar
Compound adjective: card carrying For twenty-two years he was a card carrying Communist. Grammar
Compound adjective: coast to coast Our coast to coast trip was wonderful. Grammar
Compound adjective: cooling off During the cooling off period, you can… Grammar
Compound adjective: cut and paste … because of a cut and paste error. Grammar
Compound adjective: cut throat Advertising is a cut throat business. Grammar
Compound adjective: do or die In this organization, we have a do or die attitude. Grammar
Compound adjective: down and out Down and out actors struggle to… Grammar
Compound adjective: dual purpose This is a dual purpose test. Grammar
Compound adjective: duty free Did you buy some duty free wine? Grammar
Compound adjective: eagle eyed The eagle eyed editors found many errors. Grammar
Compound adjective: eye catching We make clothes in eye catching colours. Grammar
Compound adjective: first hand I gained first hand information from the manager. Grammar
Compound adjective: fly by night These fly by night companies are not reliable. Grammar
Compound adjective: follow up Here's a follow up task. Grammar
Compound adjective: hand to hand Hand to hand combat is not easy. Grammar
Compound adjective: heavy duty A heavy duty battery is necessary. Grammar
Compound adjective: knife edge The result of tonight's knife edge vote is still uncertain. Grammar
Compound adjective: mom and pop Most wineries in California are mom and pop operations… Grammar
Compound adjective: new look I like this new look clothing. Grammar
Compound adjective: out of body I had an out of body experience yesterday. Grammar
Compound adjective: rags to riches Her rags to riches story is fascinating. Grammar
Compound adjective: wall to wall This wall to wall carpeting is exquisite. Grammar
Missing: 't It doesn work. Grammar
Missing: 't I haven a clue. Grammar
'thanks giving' (Thanksgiving) Thanks giving 2020. Grammar
'thanks giving' (Thanksgiving) We see each other at Thanks giving. Grammar
custom build (custom-build) They custom build a solution. Grammar
custom build (custom-build) They have custom built a solution. Grammar
custom build (custom-build) They would custom build a solution. Grammar
custom build (custom-build) They are custom building a solution. Grammar
Missing verb: PRONOUN + NOUN (VERB) You device isn't working. Grammar
Missing verb: PRONOUN + NOUN (VERB) I addition, on a regular basis, Lisa Valderrama and Pam Boxx need to be copied on any emails like this. Grammar
Missing verb: PRONOUN + NOUN (VERB) If you anyone wants to go, let me know. Grammar
Missing verb: PRONOUN + NOUN (VERB) I'll forward the most recent version they have been sharing amongst themselves and not we lawyers. Grammar
Missing verb: PRONOUN + NOUN (VERB) Much of it efforts have been spent on trying to persuade the U.S. to offer an alternative to Kyoto or come back to the negotiation table on the treaty. Grammar
Missing verb: PRONOUN + NOUN (VERB) In summary, the Unanimous Consent is being routed to provide the Partnership and it subsidiaries with the requisite authority. Grammar
Missing verb: PRONOUN + NOUN (VERB) We've made a commitment to employees that they will be receiving he info packet by Monday morning. Grammar
several other (others) I saw him and and several other. Grammar
ve didn't The person who've didn't do the work was sacked. Grammar
Use an adverb or a compound adjective, not an adjective It's a common used tool for spammers. Grammar
Use an adverb or a compound adjective, not an adjective It's a popular common used tool for spammers. Grammar
Use an adverb or a compound adjective, not an adjective The initial installed software is working. Grammar
Use an adverb or a compound adjective, not an adjective Barbecue Chicken Sandwich is one of the most frequent ordered dishes. Grammar
After auxiliary 'do', use the base form of a verb I usually do not forgot. Grammar
After auxiliary 'do', use the base form of a verb Yes, that does seems strange. Grammar
After auxiliary 'do', use the base form of a verb … the devices which do not required the modification. Grammar
anymore (any more) Do you need anymore information? Grammar
hundreds of thousand (thousands of) users Now, hundreds of thousand people use LanguageTool. Grammar
Use the base form or the past tense with a plural noun The test results after Christmas shows great improvement. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb We want test it. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb I would like see us make this work. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb He wants test the tool. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb I would like test the tool. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb I want spend time with my friends. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb I would like spend time with my friends. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb He wants have all features. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb I would like test all features first. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb We want test the tool first. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb We want go to the cinema. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb I like go to the pool. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb We would like go to the cinema. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb I like hang out with the crew. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb I would like hang out with the crew. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb He needs go there. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb We would like go there. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb He needs go. Grammar
Use 'to' before the base form of a verb He needs go Grammar
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-09-26 16:45:37 +0000)