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These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
ever vs every The meeting will happen ever second of the month. Commonly Confused Words
ever vs every The event will be held ever 2nd of June. Commonly Confused Words
ever vs every The meeting will happen ever second Tuesday. Commonly Confused Words
ever vs every The meeting will happen ever Tuesday. Commonly Confused Words
ever vs every This is one of the greatest jokes every told. Commonly Confused Words
ever vs every He is one of the greatest every lived. Commonly Confused Words
ever vs every He is the greatest who has every lived. Commonly Confused Words
ever vs every I want ever user to know about this. Commonly Confused Words
ever vs every I doubt it would every be privatized. Commonly Confused Words
ever vs every How could I every leave you. Commonly Confused Words
ever vs every They lived happily every after. Commonly Confused Words
tree (three) I've lived in Barcelona for tree years. Commonly Confused Words
threat vs threaten I will threat them right. Commonly Confused Words
threat vs threaten He threats me right. Commonly Confused Words
threat vs threaten He wants to threat me right. Commonly Confused Words
wither vs either Wither I accompany you to your room or I wait here. Commonly Confused Words
bis vs bus I will take the bis to the central station. Commonly Confused Words
manner vs matter He did it in a lovely matter. Commonly Confused Words
bet vs best Bet wishes, Carl. Commonly Confused Words
bet vs best All the bet Commonly Confused Words
bet vs best All the bet, Carl Commonly Confused Words
bet vs best I wish you the bet, Carl Commonly Confused Words
eek vs eke He eeks out a living. Commonly Confused Words
eek vs eke They eeked out a living. Commonly Confused Words
nit vs not I could nit do it. Commonly Confused Words
her vs hear I'd like to her the truth. Commonly Confused Words
mad vs made I mad a cake for your birthday. Commonly Confused Words
mad vs made I have mad a cake for your birthday. Commonly Confused Words
manor vs manner He did it in a polite manor. Commonly Confused Words
don vs done I'm don with this project. Commonly Confused Words
don vs done Are you don with it? Commonly Confused Words
curios vs curious So curios if that will actually work. Commonly Confused Words
curios vs curious She's a very curios person. Commonly Confused Words
curios vs curious I am so curios what I will get for Christmas! Commonly Confused Words
curios vs curious Are you curios? Commonly Confused Words
seen vs seem It doesn't seen right. Commonly Confused Words
seen vs seem It may seen impossible. Commonly Confused Words
that vs than It must be greater that 10 meters. Commonly Confused Words
that vs than The amount is more that $10. Commonly Confused Words
that vs than It takes more that a few hours. Commonly Confused Words
that vs than Alternatively, you must rank the money you receive more favorably that the merchandise you give up, otherwise why would you sell it? Commonly Confused Words
that vs than LT has a more robust policy that Company. Commonly Confused Words
that vs than The open-source community can produce a better app that Outlook. Commonly Confused Words
that vs than The open-source community can produce a better app that Outlook - but we need people to do it. Commonly Confused Words
dinner vs diner We had diner for two. Commonly Confused Words
dinner vs diner We had diner for two. Commonly Confused Words
cheep vs cheap That's a really cheep car. Commonly Confused Words
cheep vs cheap That's a really cheep car. Commonly Confused Words
cheep vs cheap That's cheep! Commonly Confused Words
week vs weak Have a great weak ahead! Commonly Confused Words
week vs weak Enjoy your weak! Commonly Confused Words
sigh vs sight It is out of sigh. Commonly Confused Words
are vs our Please make sure are country is safe. Commonly Confused Words
we'll vs well We'll that was close! Commonly Confused Words
on a daily base (basis) We will do this on a daily base. Commonly Confused Words
on a daily base (basis) We will do this on a daily bases. Commonly Confused Words
red vs read I red a book. Commonly Confused Words
red vs read I can red a book. Commonly Confused Words
red vs read I have red a book. Commonly Confused Words
red vs read I didn't red a book today. Commonly Confused Words
lien vs line The clause ends on lien 8. Commonly Confused Words
lien vs line He was taking the red lien. Commonly Confused Words
lien vs line I tried to lien it up. Commonly Confused Words
past vs paste We want to know what our users past into the text field. Commonly Confused Words
past vs paste We want to know what they past into the text field. Commonly Confused Words
past vs paste I will past it into the text field. Commonly Confused Words
past vs paste I will past the copied text into the textarea Commonly Confused Words
tech vs teach I tech them about history. Commonly Confused Words
tech vs teach I can tech them about history. Commonly Confused Words
tech vs teach I want to tech them about history. Commonly Confused Words
tech vs teach Please tech them about history. Commonly Confused Words
tech vs teach I didn't tech them about history. Commonly Confused Words
loot vs lot I heard a loot of noise. Commonly Confused Words
rater vs rather I would rater go home now. Commonly Confused Words
event vs even It event works on a Mac. Commonly Confused Words
event vs even It will event works on a Mac. Commonly Confused Words
event vs even I had to event buy a cake to make him happy again. Commonly Confused Words
event vs even … whether it's event possible to do this. Commonly Confused Words
event vs even Event I make mistakes. Commonly Confused Words
event vs even But event I make mistakes. Commonly Confused Words
event vs even We should get event more. Commonly Confused Words
at vs as Can you do that at soon as possible? Commonly Confused Words
at vs as Can you do that as soon at possible? Commonly Confused Words
at vs as Can you do that at soon as you can? Commonly Confused Words
at vs as Can you do that as good at you can? Commonly Confused Words
doe vs does It doe not matter. Commonly Confused Words
doe vs does It doe not matter. Commonly Confused Words
doe vs does Doe he like me? Commonly Confused Words
doe vs does What doe he think? Commonly Confused Words
doe vs does Tom doe whatever is needed. Commonly Confused Words
I vs is Why i my car gone? Commonly Confused Words
I vs is He i gone. Commonly Confused Words
live vs life I cannot imagine a live without you. Commonly Confused Words
live vs life A million people lost their live during the war. Commonly Confused Words
mis vs miss I mis you. Commonly Confused Words
whit vs with I can share that whit you. Commonly Confused Words
whit vs white It is a whit horse. Commonly Confused Words
whit vs white There were a lot of whit horses. Commonly Confused Words
whit vs white The car is whit. Commonly Confused Words
the vs to Do you know how the operate the fireplace? Commonly Confused Words
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-09-26 16:45:37 +0000)