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These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
no vs not I'm no going to complain. Commonly Confused Words
no vs not I have no begun to check the results yet. Commonly Confused Words
no vs not I have not idea for this. Commonly Confused Words
no vs not I have not issues with this. Commonly Confused Words
no vs not There was not help at all. Commonly Confused Words
no vs not I have not doubts at all. Commonly Confused Words
no vs not I'm assuming there are not performance benefits to static linking. Commonly Confused Words
no vs not I'm assuming there have been not performance benefits to static linking. Commonly Confused Words
ether vs either We can ether go to the shopping center or spend the day in the park. Commonly Confused Words
ether vs either We can ether go to the shopping center or spend the day in the park. Commonly Confused Words
filed vs field Do you have any experience in the filed of IT security. Commonly Confused Words
shipping vs shopping She went to the shipping mall to buy some new clothes. Commonly Confused Words
effort vs afford I cannot effort a new car. Commonly Confused Words
foud vs found I have foud my socks in the washing machine. Commonly Confused Words
hoe vs how Hoe does it work? Commonly Confused Words
hoe vs how Learn hoe to become a better developer. Commonly Confused Words
mange vs manage I'll mange it for you. Commonly Confused Words
gues vs guess I gues you are right. Commonly Confused Words
go vs got I'll got get you a doctor. Commonly Confused Words
go vs got The tool go improved by him. Commonly Confused Words
go vs got It go much better. Commonly Confused Words
go vs got It go a lot better. Commonly Confused Words
happed vs happened It happed way too many times. Commonly Confused Words
fore vs for He asked them fore their help. Commonly Confused Words
ma vs my He is ma best friend. Commonly Confused Words
can vs cab/cam Yes, we cab. Commonly Confused Words
can vs cab/cam Cab you confirm that it does not work? Commonly Confused Words
can vs cab/cam It would be nice if the spelling cab be adjusted. Commonly Confused Words
it vs si It si great. Commonly Confused Words
multiple vs multiply I can multiple it 5 times. Commonly Confused Words
multiple vs multiply I multiple it 5 times. Commonly Confused Words
multiple vs multiply She multiples it 5 times. Commonly Confused Words
multiple vs multiply I multiple the number by 5 and then get the result. Commonly Confused Words
multiple vs multiply I multiple 10 by 5 and get 50. Commonly Confused Words
multiple vs multiply I multiple 10 by 5 and get 50. Commonly Confused Words
multiple vs multiply What happens when you multiple that number by 10? Commonly Confused Words
glady vs gladly I will glady support him in getting it done. Commonly Confused Words
glady vs gladly I will glady support him in getting it done. Commonly Confused Words
sometime vs sometimes Sometime I go to the supermarket to buy new groceries. Commonly Confused Words
for sometime → for some time I have used it for sometime. Commonly Confused Words
no vs know I didn't no the movie until I watched it. Commonly Confused Words
no vs know You no nothing about me! Commonly Confused Words
fare vs fair It's not fare how to treat me! Commonly Confused Words
too vs tool I don't like the too. Commonly Confused Words
sen vs send I have sen you a message on Facebook. Commonly Confused Words
sen vs send I can't sen you an e-mail. Commonly Confused Words
sen vs send I didn't sen you an e-mail. Commonly Confused Words
posess vs possess She posses a nice car. Commonly Confused Words
posess vs possess The ideal candidate will posses one to three years of related business development experience in entertainment Commonly Confused Words
posess vs possess I didn't posses a car. Commonly Confused Words
his vs he's What is he's job? Commonly Confused Words
his vs he's His a great friend of mine. Commonly Confused Words
mater vs matter It does not mater to us. Commonly Confused Words
he discuses (discusses) He discuses the topic. Commonly Confused Words
he discuses (discusses) We discus the topic. Commonly Confused Words
he discuses (discusses) We can discus the topic. Commonly Confused Words
he discuses (discusses) I'd like to discus this topic with you. Commonly Confused Words
he discuses (discusses) I'm happy to discus the next steps. Commonly Confused Words
he discuses (discusses) I'm happy to discus the next steps. Commonly Confused Words
he discuses (discusses) Please discus the next steps. Commonly Confused Words
he discuses (discusses) Let's discus the next steps. Commonly Confused Words
you com (come) He cam to help. Commonly Confused Words
you com (come) Tom cam here to party. Commonly Confused Words
you com (come) Can you com and help me? Commonly Confused Words
you com (come) It has com to an end. Commonly Confused Words
you com (come) Com on, let's go. Commonly Confused Words
writ vs write I can writ you a message on Slack. Commonly Confused Words
wan vs want I wan this! Commonly Confused Words
wan vs want I don't wan to pay for this. Commonly Confused Words
wan vs want I don't wan to pay for this. Commonly Confused Words
blow (below) Kindly find blow job description. Commonly Confused Words
retards (regards) Kind retards Commonly Confused Words
hart vs hard It is really hart. Commonly Confused Words
hart vs hard It really makes it hart. Commonly Confused Words
hart vs hard He makes it hart to understand. Commonly Confused Words
hart vs hard She had a hart time there. Commonly Confused Words
git vs get Do you git more than you deserve? Commonly Confused Words
git vs get I would git a new one for Christmas. Commonly Confused Words
git vs get I wouldn't git a new one for Christmas. Commonly Confused Words
git vs get I don't git a new one for Christmas. Commonly Confused Words
git vs get I wanted to git a new one for Christmas. Commonly Confused Words
beside vs besides Beside that, I have no idea. Commonly Confused Words
beside vs besides He stood besides me. Commonly Confused Words
les vs. less It is les than what I expected. Commonly Confused Words
les vs. less It is les than what I expected. Commonly Confused Words
sine vs. since We have not seen him sine two years ago. Commonly Confused Words
sine vs. since We have not seen him sine Monday. Commonly Confused Words
wurst vs worst This is the wurst case scenario. Commonly Confused Words
wurst vs worst This game is the wurst I have ever watched. Commonly Confused Words
wurst vs worst He is the wurst player of all time. Commonly Confused Words
wurst vs worst The wurst is yet to come. Commonly Confused Words
trail (trial) The free trail expired after 30 days. Commonly Confused Words
trail (trial) The trail expired after 30 days. Commonly Confused Words
trail (trial) Your trail license has expired. Commonly Confused Words
trail (trial) Your 30-day trail expired. Commonly Confused Words
trail (trial) Your 30 day trail expired. Commonly Confused Words
meed (meet) Let's meed tomorrow at our favorite bar! Commonly Confused Words
seem vs seen I have seem a lot so far. Commonly Confused Words
seem vs seen I can't seen to delete it. Commonly Confused Words
seem vs seen You seen to ask too many questions. Commonly Confused Words
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-09-26 16:45:37 +0000)