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These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
adjective vs. adverb Two weeks is way to fast, we could easy run out of resources and then the Mystics would not stop till caught up! Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb Two weeks is way to fast, we could easy not run out of resources and then the Mystics would not stop till caught up! Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb It easy has something to do with his new car. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb He tried to easy achieve a clean environment. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb He tried to easy achieve a clean environment. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb I would follow your advice which to primary show. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb I have voluntary done this already. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb I didn't voluntary do this. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb Two weeks is way too fast, we could quick run out of resources. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb Two weeks is way to fast, we could quick not run out of resources and then the Mystics would not stop till caught up! Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb It quick has something to do with his new car. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb He tried to quick achieve a clean environment. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb He tried to especial achieve a clean environment. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb I would follow your advice which to systematical show. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb Tom is real excited. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb Tom does real believe in it. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb Two weeks is way to fast, we could automatic run out of resources and then the Mystics would not stop till caught up! Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb Two weeks is way to fast, we could automatic not run out of resources and then the Mystics would not stop till caught up! Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb The first one was added without problem, although it automatic used a Dimmer Device Handler. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb He tried to automatic achieve a clean environment. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb He tried to automatic achieve a clean environment. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb I would follow your advice which to automatic show. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb Tom has automatic disabled the feature. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb Tom didn't automatic disable the feature. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb Your site is terrible slow. Commonly Confused Words
adjective vs. adverb Your site is temporary unavailable. Commonly Confused Words
want (wont) that I am want to do: Commonly Confused Words
want (wont) as was his want Commonly Confused Words
wont vs. want I would wont to go home. Commonly Confused Words
wont vs. want I wont to go home. Commonly Confused Words
yo vs. to Yo're my best friend. Commonly Confused Words
yo vs. to Yo are my best friend. Commonly Confused Words
yo vs. to Would yo do it again? Commonly Confused Words
yo vs. to I wanted yo play League of Legends. Commonly Confused Words
torcher (torture) yourself I will torcher him. Commonly Confused Words
price sensibility (sensitivity) Price sensibility is the degree to which the price of a product affects consumers' purchasing behaviors. Commonly Confused Words
He what (would) do it again I what have done it differently. Commonly Confused Words
Has (as) far as I can tell He as been very busy lately. Commonly Confused Words
Has (as) far as I can tell Has far as I can tell. Commonly Confused Words
Has (as) far as I can tell As far has I can tell. Commonly Confused Words
Blue-ray (Blu-ray) I ordered a Blueray disk with their software. Commonly Confused Words
Blue-ray (Blu-ray) I ordered Bluerays. Commonly Confused Words
Blue-ray (Blu-ray) I ordered a Blu ray disk with their software. Commonly Confused Words
Blue-ray (Blu-ray) I ordered a Blu-ray disk with their software. Commonly Confused Words
Blue-ray (Blu-ray) I ordered a Blu ray with their software. Commonly Confused Words
they're (their) Their the only ones who came. Commonly Confused Words
they're (their) I'm not worried about they're problems. Commonly Confused Words
they're (their) Their stupid Commonly Confused Words
they're (their) Yes their cool Commonly Confused Words
they're (their) Their ready! Commonly Confused Words
VBG they're (their) They couldn't stop conceptualizing they're own demise. Commonly Confused Words
they're (their) These are they're best clothes. Commonly Confused Words
they're (their) I hope their ok. Commonly Confused Words
pic vs. pick I would pic the second one. Commonly Confused Words
pic vs. pick I pic the second one. Commonly Confused Words
pic vs. pick He wanted to pic a new one. Commonly Confused Words
wright vs. write I would wright a letter. Commonly Confused Words
wright vs. write I wright a letter. Commonly Confused Words
wright vs. write He wanted to wright a letter. Commonly Confused Words
thing vs. think I could thing about that Commonly Confused Words
thing vs. think I thing you're right. Commonly Confused Words
thing vs. think He wanted to thing about that. Commonly Confused Words
thing vs. think I don't thing that makes sense. Commonly Confused Words
thing vs. think I don't thing that makes sense. Commonly Confused Words
'ad' vs 'add' She ads a lot of value to our team. Commonly Confused Words
'ad' vs 'add' They usually ad ketchup to their fries. Commonly Confused Words
'ad' vs 'add' I would ad a new one. Commonly Confused Words
'ad' vs 'add' I wouldn't ad a new one. Commonly Confused Words
'intend' vs 'intent' She intents to do it. Commonly Confused Words
'intend' vs 'intent' They always intent to change it. Commonly Confused Words
'intend' vs 'intent' The child did not intent to break your arm. Commonly Confused Words
'intend' vs 'intent' I wouldn't intent to change it. Commonly Confused Words
there (their) own They were largely on there own that night. Commonly Confused Words
there (their) own They completed the huge project on they're own. Commonly Confused Words
desert / dessert The criminal will get his just desserts. Commonly Confused Words
desert / dessert The Sahara Dessert is one of the largest in the world. Commonly Confused Words
precedent / precedence Allow us to set a precedence. Commonly Confused Words
coma / comma Please put a coma between the two main clauses. Commonly Confused Words
coma / comma You missed a coma in that sentence. Commonly Confused Words
coma / comma He has been in a comma for nearly two weeks. Commonly Confused Words
login (log in) Please login before commenting. Commonly Confused Words
login (log in) Please let us login before commenting. Commonly Confused Words
login (log in) He didn't login with his Facebook credentials. Commonly Confused Words
login (log in) Have you tried to logout? Commonly Confused Words
login (log in) He logins every day. Commonly Confused Words
login (log in) Could you ask the user to login with his account? Commonly Confused Words
there (their) The parents yelled at there son. Commonly Confused Words
there (their) What would you do in there place? Commonly Confused Words
there (their) The parents loved there son. Commonly Confused Words
there (their) Hi their. Commonly Confused Words
there (their) Hey their Commonly Confused Words
ration or ratio The screen aspect ration... Commonly Confused Words
zero-sum gain (game) It is a zero-sum gain when wages are held flat... Commonly Confused Words
rational (rationale) The rational for the policy is not well understood. Commonly Confused Words
rational (rationale) I fully understand the rational behind it. Commonly Confused Words
cleanup / clean up He promised to cleanup his room. Commonly Confused Words
cleanup / clean up A full clean up is required. Commonly Confused Words
turn of (off) The light was switched of Commonly Confused Words
turn of (off) Turn of the TV Commonly Confused Words
turn of (off) This is a big turn of for both women and men. Commonly Confused Words
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-09-26 16:45:37 +0000)