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These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
your (you're) You're optimization is a good example. Commonly Confused Words
you're (your) There are a number of things you can do to reduce the risk to you’re pet. Commonly Confused Words
deer/dear Deer Anne,... Commonly Confused Words
accept/except Please except my apologies. Commonly Confused Words
accept/except Police found the culprits (accept one). Commonly Confused Words
accept/except This is done accept for that fact that we still have JBossws 2.0.0 binaries. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect The primary affect on property values is… Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect We tried appeasing the rain gods, but to no affect. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect Regional factors have an affect on hotel guest satisfaction. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect Regional factors have a negative affect on hotel guest satisfaction. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect Parking Fees are in affect in this park. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect The ban took affect at midnight. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect It had the same affect on me. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect That might effect the bottom line. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect That might adversely effect the bottom line. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect The medicine shouldn't effect the baby. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect The medicine would've effected the baby. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect The laws had an immediate affect. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect There was a law with immediate affects. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect A side affect of global warming Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect The side affects of global warming Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect A side-affect of global warming Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect The experiment didn't obey the laws of cause and affect. Commonly Confused Words
affect vs effect She was badly effected. Commonly Confused Words
'economical (economic) growth' etc. This article deals with economical development of the Third World. Commonly Confused Words
'economic (economical) car' etc. This is a very economic car. Commonly Confused Words
'written in verses (verse)' The tale was written in verses. Commonly Confused Words
principal (principle) In principal I don't think it will be too difficult. Commonly Confused Words
principal (principle) In this discussion we have endeavored to do this: to point out basic principals of liberty in which all people can believe. Commonly Confused Words
principal (principle) The principle activity of the Foundation is centred on humanitarian aid and charity, especially with regards to children. Commonly Confused Words
principal (principle) Mr Brown is our new school principle. Commonly Confused Words
principal (principle) He told me it's against his principals to drink alcohol. Commonly Confused Words
principal (principle) Always stick to your principals. Commonly Confused Words
nib / nub try using raw cacao nubs. Commonly Confused Words
nib / nub This is the nib of the problem. Commonly Confused Words
everyday (every day) Everyday he gets up early. Commonly Confused Words
everyday (every day) Everyday, he gets up early. Commonly Confused Words
everyday (every day) He gets up early everyday. Commonly Confused Words
everyone (every one) of The space in which each and everyone of us lives has taken on a new shape. Commonly Confused Words
everyone (every one) of My mother would like to thank everyone of you who offered assistance during her illness. Commonly Confused Words
everyone (every one) of Everyone of these apples is rotten. Commonly Confused Words
everyone (every one) of Everyone of the cards was unfolded. Commonly Confused Words
niece (nice) day etc. I wish you a niece holiday. Commonly Confused Words
slight (sleight) of hand This is where the slight of hand comes in. Commonly Confused Words
route (root) of the problem The route of the problems is unknown. Commonly Confused Words
complains (complaints) I do not understand why there are complains from our community. Commonly Confused Words
complains (complaints) This is our biggest complain. Commonly Confused Words
complains (complaints) A user complaint that he can not use the Premium version. Commonly Confused Words
complains (complaints) A user recently complaint that he can not use the Premium version. Commonly Confused Words
complains (complaints) A user complaint about this. Commonly Confused Words
complains (complaints) A user recently complaint about this. Commonly Confused Words
complains (complaints) A user complaints that he can not use the Premium version. Commonly Confused Words
complains (complaints) A user recently complaints that he can not use the Premium version. Commonly Confused Words
complains (complaints) A user complaints about this. Commonly Confused Words
complains (complaints) A user recently complaints about this. Commonly Confused Words
first aid kid (kit) A first aid kid is a collection of medical supplies and equipment, often portable. Commonly Confused Words
spilling (spelling) error This is a spilling error. Commonly Confused Words
spilling (spelling) error What is the correct spilling of 'Mississippi'? Commonly Confused Words
since (for) + 'period of time' I've lived in Barcelona since six years. Commonly Confused Words
extend (extent) It is not known to what extend the subjects were being truthful. Commonly Confused Words
extend (extent) To a great extend, psychological explanations prove satisfactory. Commonly Confused Words
extend (extent) Shoplifters will be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law. Commonly Confused Words
extend (extent) The company enforces its intellectual property rights around the world to the fullest extend of the law. Commonly Confused Words
super (supper) We went for a walk after super. Commonly Confused Words
super (supper) After I had eaten my super, I went straight to bed. Commonly Confused Words
personal (personnel) She's the director of personal. Commonly Confused Words
personal (personnel) For authorized personal only. Commonly Confused Words
personal (personnel) He is the personal director. Commonly Confused Words
whore (wore) Last Sunday I whore a beautiful dress. Commonly Confused Words
whore (wore) This is the skirt that I whore last week. Commonly Confused Words
overnight instead of 'over night' She stayed over night. Commonly Confused Words
over time (overtime) I worked two hours of over time last week. Commonly Confused Words
over time (overtime) No child shall be permitted or required to work over time. Commonly Confused Words
over time (overtime) They worked over time to come up with a great idea. Commonly Confused Words
bar-b-queue instead of 'bar-b-que' A casual summer bar-b-queue. Commonly Confused Words
buy (by) I was asked buy one of my friends… Commonly Confused Words
a priory (a priori) This is an a priory assumption. Commonly Confused Words
de jure (du jour) Do you like the soup de jure? Commonly Confused Words
oedometer (odometer) The oedometer in my automobile is defective. Commonly Confused Words
the later (latter) The former test was easy, but the later was difficult. Commonly Confused Words
the later (latter) The former test was easy, but the later was difficult. Commonly Confused Words
works as (like) a charm LanguageTool works as a charm; it finds many errors. Commonly Confused Words
state of art (state of the art, state-of-the-art) This state of art equipment is not expensive. Commonly Confused Words
tat (that) I think tat is correct. Commonly Confused Words
redundant determiner: 'in (an) alphabetical order List the names in an alphabetical order. Nonstandard Phrases
I never have been (I have never been) I never have been to London. Nonstandard Phrases
from X - Y (from X to Y) From 12 – 17 February 2016 Nonstandard Phrases
February of 2005 (February 2005) February of 1995 Nonstandard Phrases
the question what (the question of what) This thesis addresses the question how to analyze concepts. Nonstandard Phrases
in the moment (currently) No, in the moment not. Nonstandard Phrases
make since (sense) Something like 90 most likely never makes since. Nonstandard Phrases
all and all (all in all) All and all it’s just another brick in the… toilet? Nonstandard Phrases
all of the sudden (all of a sudden) Why would a man all of the sudden send flowers? Nonstandard Phrases
all of the sudden (all of a sudden) Why would a man all the sudden send flowers? Nonstandard Phrases
along the same vein (along the same line, in the same vein) I've been working along the same vein. Nonstandard Phrases
Misused phrase: 'ever so often (every so often)' Ever so often, we put down the books, and go sailing! Nonstandard Phrases
early adapter (early adopter) DualCore PC is available for purchase for selected companies in the early adapter program. Nonstandard Phrases
far be it for me (far be it from me) Far be it for me to say that you can’t. Nonstandard Phrases
money is no option (money is no object) Money is no option when are you rich. Nonstandard Phrases
nip it in the butt (nip it in the bud) We'd like to nip it in the butt right here. Nonstandard Phrases
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-09-26 16:45:37 +0000)