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Browse Rules: 6,133 matches

These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
very match (much) Thank you very match. Possible Typo vary (very) much Thank you vary much. Possible Typo
'hasn't' + irregular past tense verb They haven't bit their tongue. Possible Typo
'Could've' + irregular past tense verb We could've ate the chicken. Possible Typo
an every day (everyday) You shouldn’t wear an every day outfit to the wedding. Possible Typo
an every day (everyday) These shoes are great for every day wear. Possible Typo
all ways (always) He all ways takes the last piece of cake. Possible Typo
there fore (therefore) And there fore everything is important. Possible Typo
self fish (selfish) He doesn't listen to anyone because he is very self fish. Possible Typo
every where (everywhere) There are bugs every where. Possible Typo
figure head (figurehead) The boss was merely a figure head. Possible Typo
flag ship (flagship) This was the flag ship store. Possible Typo
how ever (however) We knew, how ever, that he would come around. Possible Typo
laughing stock (laughingstock) The fool was the laughing stock of the town. Possible Typo
mean while (meanwhile) Mean while, back on the farm... Possible Typo
nation wide (nationwide) There was a nation wide epidemic. Possible Typo
near by (nearby) There were some stores near by. Possible Typo
new comer (newcomer) There were many new comers at the concert. Possible Typo
now a days (nowadays) Now a days, there isn't much hope. Possible Typo
now-a-days (nowadays) Now-a-days, there isn't much hope. Possible Typo
now-a-day (nowadays) Now-a-day, there isn't much hope. Possible Typo
on going (ongoing) It is a widely held belief that continues to be a factor in their on going support of the war. Possible Typo
on going (ongoing) There is an on going investigation. Possible Typo
out grow (outgrow) The little guy would soon out grow his clothes. Possible Typo
out side (outside) There were more tables out side. Possible Typo
over looked (overlooked) There were several details we over looked. Possible Typo
over looking (overlooking) We were over looking the Grand Canyon. Possible Typo
over rated (overrated) The movie was highly over rated. Possible Typo
over seas (overseas) He was stationed over seas. Possible Typo
over seas (overseas) He was stationed over sea's. Possible Typo
short coming (shortcoming) Being on time was his biggest short coming. Possible Typo
short cut (shortcut) I know a short cut. Possible Typo
side kick (sidekick) He had a zany side kick. Possible Typo
sky diving (skydiving) We went sky diving. Possible Typo
some how (somehow) Some how, we made it out alive. Possible Typo
them selves (themselves) They were falling over them selves. Possible Typo
back fire (backfire) His plans always back fire. Possible Typo
world wide (worldwide) There was a world wide epidemic. Possible Typo
worth while (worthwhile) It was a worth while endeavor. Possible Typo
way side (wayside) We let it fall by the way side. Possible Typo
along side (alongside) The car pulled up along side. Possible Typo
be cause (because) It was all be cause of you. Possible Typo
be ware (beware) Be ware of the bears. Possible Typo
before hand (beforehand) We packed before hand. Possible Typo
down side (downside) There was no serious down side to the plan. Possible Typo
through out (throughout) We felt awkward through out the play. Possible Typo
on-going (ongoing) There is an on-going investigation. Possible Typo
light weight (lightweight) He is the best light weight boxer in the world. Possible Typo
light weight (lightweight) It is really light weight. Possible Typo
light weight (lightweight) It is fast and light weight. Possible Typo
heavy weight (heavyweight) He is the best heavy weight boxer in the world. Possible Typo
heavy weight (heavyweight) It is really heavy weight. Possible Typo
free lance (freelance) We did some free lance work for the company. Possible Typo
free lancer (freelancer) He was a free lancer. Possible Typo
free lances (freelances) He only free lances for the CIA. Possible Typo
free lancing (freelancing) His free lancing work is fantastic. Possible Typo
VB a while (awhile) He was expected to forget a while after the fact. Possible Typo
key words (keywords) You have to enter the key words. Possible Typo
crowd sourcing (crowdsourcing) Mechanical Turk is an example of crowd sourcing. Possible Typo
meta data (metadata) Tika's library takes meta data into account. Possible Typo
past time (pastime) This was America's favorite past time. Possible Typo
any where (anywhere) Put your stuff down any where. Possible Typo
some where (somewhere) There's a place for us, some where. Possible Typo
a bail out (bailout) The bail out was too expensive. Possible Typo
out come (outcome) What was the out come? Possible Typo
comprised of This is an album comprised of of great songs. Possible Typo
comprised of The Tenderloin is an area comprised of the seedy sort. Possible Typo
comprised of The Beatles were a band comprised of great musicians. Possible Typo
comprised of The lawsuit was comprised primarily of false accusations. Possible Typo
comprised of It was entirely comprised of people. Possible Typo
comprised of The song was comprised chiefly of B chords. Possible Typo
comprised of The part comprises of the whole. Possible Typo
comprised of This is a country comprising of independent people. Possible Typo
comprised of It's tough to think you comprise of mostly water. Possible Typo
comprised of The proposal was comprised of faulty assumptions. Possible Typo
comprised of The missiles were comprised of nuclear warheads. Possible Typo
comprised of The ants, which comprised of the colony, were asleep. Possible Typo
comprised of The album will be comprised of synthetic sounds. Possible Typo
comprised of The ants will comprise of the colony. Possible Typo
comprised of The ants would comprise of the colony. Possible Typo
comprised of Theirs was a government comprised of warring factions. Possible Typo
comprised of The government is comprised mostly of idiots. Possible Typo
comprised of The government is comprised of idiots. Possible Typo
political gaffs (gaffes) There were some serious political gaffs committed that day. Possible Typo
political gaff (gaffe) His novel was a huge cultural gaff. Possible Typo
were MD Were could we sleep tonight? Possible Typo
were MD Were couldn't we stay again? Possible Typo
other then (other than) There was no one other then us at the campsite. Possible Typo
was aloud (allowed) No dancing was aloud. Possible Typo
eluded to (alluded to) He eluded to engagement at the party. Possible Typo
allude (elude) Her failure to allude the school bullies is evident. Possible Typo
complaint (compliant) with If the rules are not fully complaint with the specification, post them here. Possible Typo
baited (bated) breath We are waiting with baited breath. Possible Typo
bare (bear) in mind Bare in mind that we're alone. Possible Typo
playoff birth (berth) The Patriots failed to earn a playoff birth. Possible Typo
disc break (brakes) The rear wheels are disc break. Possible Typo
hit the breaks (brakes) Charlie forgot to hit the breaks. Possible Typo
spinal chord (cord) There was permanent injury to the spinal chord. Possible Typo
full compliment (complement) of He had the full compliment of good qualities. Possible Typo
in edition (addition) to In edition to failing, he embarrassed himself. Possible Typo
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-09-15 16:45:17 +0000)