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These are some of the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online.

Description Example Category
at the present time, at this time, at this point in time, at the moment (now, currently) At this time, Churchill was serving as Chancellor of the Exchequer Plain English
at the present time, at this time, at this point in time, at the moment (now, currently) This document has no formal standing at this point in time. Plain English
at the present time, at this time, at this point in time, at the moment (now, currently) At the moment, I am taking a leave of absence from my work. Plain English
at your earliest convenience (as soon as you can) Please come at your earliest convenience. Plain English
on a x basis We have been coming here on a regular basis for years. Plain English
be advised You are advised look after your belongings. Plain English
wordy phrase: due to the fact The experiment was halted due to the fact that funding was withdrawn. Plain English
Some phrases that can be simplified His lack of conversation is attributable to his shyness. Plain English
Some phrases that can be simplified Nader had to cancel his planned invasion in light of the fact that the Abdali Afghans had rebelled and invaded Khorasan. Plain English
Some phrases that can be simplified A national emergency exists by reason of the terrorist attacks. Plain English
LanguageTool 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-02-07 22:33:08 +0100)