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Browse Rules: 6,133 matches

These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
compound verb 'dead lift' I'm dead lifting 200 KG. Grammar
compound verb 'dead lift' He dead lifted 200 KG. Grammar
compound verb 'dead lift' I want to dead lift 200 KG. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'guilt trip' A pay increase will not guilt trip them into improvements. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'guilt trip' She guilt tripped me into the visit the way only mothers can do so there's no way out. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'guilt trip' They didn't guilt trip us. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'guilt trip' Let's guilt trip them. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'guilt trip' I did not guilt trip them. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'guilt trip' There is no point guilt tripping the consumer. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'guilt trip' Try to guilt trip the customer. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'daisy chain' I will daisy chain it. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'daisy chain' I daisy chained it. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'daisy chain' I didn't daisy chain it. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'daisy chain' Let's daisy chain it. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'daisy chain' I did not daisy chain it. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'daisy chain' I'm daisy chaining it. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'daisy chain' He daisy chained it. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'daisy chain' I forgot to daisy chain it. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'clear cut' It was a clear cut decision. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'right/left click' I would always right click to copy text. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'right/left click' I always right click to copy text. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'right/left click' I didn't right click to copy the text. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'right/left click' Let's right click on that button. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'right/left click' I did not right click to open the context menu. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'right/left click' He right clicked on the button to see all options. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'right/left click' I forgot to right click and copy. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'right/left click' I forgot to right click the button. Grammar
other wise (otherwise) He was ordered to testify and could not do other wise. Grammar
further more (furthermore) Further more, her work is always excellent. Grammar
fine tune (fine-tune) Peter fine tuned the temperatur of the room. Grammar
cross-check Please always try to cross check your bearings. Grammar
cross-check She drove cross town just to see me. Grammar
bull dog (bulldog) Everyday, he walks his bull dog. Grammar
bed room (bedroom) Everyday, he wakes up in his bed room. Grammar
foot ball (football) He is cannon balling. Grammar
foot ball (football) Tom is a great foot ball player. Grammar
cyber security (cybersecurity) The company suffered badly from a cyber attack. Grammar
step father (stepfather) She has a step son from his previous marriage. Grammar
mail box (mailbox) Please check your messages in your mail box. Grammar
swim suit (swimsuit) She was wearing a nice swim suit at the beach. Grammar
breast plate (breastplate) They were so pretty, with those burnished breast plates. Grammar
life long They had a life long relationship. Grammar
key note (keynote) Steve Jobs' biggest strength was his unique appearance in Apple's key notes. Grammar
eye brow/lash/lid/sight/sore (eyebrow/eyelash/eyelid/eyesight/eyesore) Calcium deposits on eye lids Grammar
day light (daylight) Vampires try to avoid the day light. Grammar
country side (countryside) He explored the surrounding country side. Grammar
thunder storm (thunderstorm) They were thunder struck by this revelation. Grammar
drop-ship I will dropship you the package. Grammar
drop-ship I will drop ship you the package. Grammar
on boarding (onboarding) The on boarding UI. Grammar
on boarding (onboarding) The car comes with an on board computer. Grammar
on boarding (onboarding) My new website is on line. Grammar
head shot (thunderstorm) These represent the head lands separating bundles of strips within the open fields Grammar
stale mate (stalemate) The game ended in a stale mate. Grammar
business man (businessman) He is a successful business man from Germany. Grammar
business woman (businesswoman) She is a successful business woman from Germany. Grammar
foot print (footprint) She unlocked her smartphone with her finger print. Grammar
bomb shell (bombshell) I can explain it in a nut shell. Grammar
dead line (deadline) We completed the task before it hit the dead line. Grammar
home owner (homeowner) A home owner is someone who owns a house. Grammar
law suit (lawsuit) She filed a law suit against the city. Grammar
neighbor hood (neighborhood) She lives in a wealthy neighbor hood. Grammar
trade mark (trademark) You can't copy his trade mark. Grammar
boy friend (boyfriend) Tom and his girl friend are in love. Grammar
news worthy (newsworthy) The event was very popular and seemed news worthy. Grammar
counter part (counterpart) The secretary of defense met with his counter parts in Asia to discuss the nuclear crisis. Grammar
grave yard (graveyard) When Henry VIII founded a dock yard for building ships in Deptford, the area became renowned across the shipping industry Grammar
before hand (beforehand) He did it before hand. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) He is hand some. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) He is a hand some man. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) The hand rail was very slippery. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) I will hand craft a solution. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) On the kitchen table she left a hand written notice. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) I would always hand write my letters. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) I could hand stitch a sweater. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) I always hand write my mails. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) She hand stitched a sweater. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) I didn't hand write this notice. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) Let's hand write this letter. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) I did not hand write this letter. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) I forgot to hand write a letter. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) The letter has been hand written. Grammar
before hand (beforehand) Hand deliver this to Mr. Lounds by closing time on Tuesday, please. Grammar
space ship (spaceship) She was flying to the moon in a space ship. Grammar
whole sale (wholesale) Bottles from this region sell whole sale at about £72 a case. Grammar
soft ware (software) He installed the soft ware on his computer. Grammar
hair style (hairstyle) Look, I have a new hair style. Grammar
market place (marketplace) They are selling their fruits at a market place. Grammar
in door (indoor) He is a fan of out door sports. Grammar
in door (indoor) He is a fan of out door sports. Grammar
in door (indoor) It was warm enough to eat out doors. Grammar
up date (update) Please up date your smartphone to the latest version. Grammar
down load (download) Please down load the latest version. Grammar
head ache (headache) Tom didn't feel good because of his head ache. Grammar
out break (outbreak) The out break caused lockdowns all over the word. Grammar
out break (outbreak) This software is out dated. Grammar
out break (outbreak) They will out compete the others. Grammar
out break (outbreak) He is an out spoken man. Grammar
out break (outbreak) He is an out going guy. Grammar
any how (anyhow) Some how I manged to get this task done. Grammar
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-09-15 16:45:17 +0000)