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These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
the flew (flu) I have been out with the flew for the past 3 days. Commonly Confused Words
Confusion of mans/men Sorry for my mans manners. Commonly Confused Words
Confusion of mars/Mars The planet mars has. Commonly Confused Words
marriage (wedding) anniversary We celebrated our fifth marriage anniversary last year. Commonly Confused Words
taken back (aback) by He was totally taken back by my response. Commonly Confused Words
a blessing in the skies (disguise) It was a blessing in the skies that my car broke down. Commonly Confused Words
to walk passed (past) I walked passed the school. Commonly Confused Words
a bold-faced (bald-faced) lie It was a bold-faced lie. Commonly Confused Words
one foul (fell) swoop I got it done in one foul swoop. Commonly Confused Words
doggy-dog (dog-eat-dog) We live in a doggy-dog world. Commonly Confused Words
take for granite (granted) Do not take anything for granite. Commonly Confused Words
intensive purposes (intents and purposes) For all intensive purposes. Commonly Confused Words
less/more ... then (than) It's less controversial then one would think. Commonly Confused Words
..., than (then) If we want to eat, than we need to get some money. Commonly Confused Words
from than (then) on From than on I entered a period of dullness, nothing bothered me anymore. Commonly Confused Words
and than (then) How to add equal values and than replace them with their sum? Commonly Confused Words
number or (of) This tool will help you to reduce the number or errors. Commonly Confused Words
..., than, ... (then) The genuinely interesting question, than, becomes... Commonly Confused Words
who than (then) Please, who than can help! Commonly Confused Words
rather/other/different then (than) Single Clicking rather then Double Clicking Commonly Confused Words
Untied (United) States The Untied States of America Commonly Confused Words
unclear (nuclear) There are hundreds of unclear missiles. Commonly Confused Words
hard (heart) The questions of training and pay lie at the hard of the staffing problems. Commonly Confused Words
await (wait) I can hardly await until " Evidence " arrives at my home. Commonly Confused Words
due (do) Due you work this weekend? Commonly Confused Words
due (do) All I can due is help you as best as I can. Commonly Confused Words
due (do) I can due it until tomorrow. Commonly Confused Words
due (do) I can due his homework. Commonly Confused Words
due (do) I want to due his homework. Commonly Confused Words
awl (all) I left awl my things there. Commonly Confused Words
knot (not) This should knot have happened. Commonly Confused Words
That being sad (said) That being sad ... Commonly Confused Words
marry (merry) Marry Christmas! Commonly Confused Words
in (on) vacation He is probably in vacation right now. Commonly Confused Words
in (on) weekdays In Friday afternoon, the President announced the embargo. Commonly Confused Words
during (for) I haven't seen him during ages. Commonly Confused Words
must (most) of I do this must of the time. Commonly Confused Words
could of (have) I should of finished it by now. Commonly Confused Words
peace (piece) It's a peace of cake! Commonly Confused Words
already vs. all ready Are you already? Commonly Confused Words
already vs. all ready The device is all ready available in Korea. Commonly Confused Words
already vs. all ready I have all ready bought it. Commonly Confused Words
already vs. all ready I have all ready bought it. Commonly Confused Words
already vs. all ready I can all ready do it. Commonly Confused Words
already vs. all ready I am all ready doing it. Commonly Confused Words
already vs. all ready Peter all ready has done that. Commonly Confused Words
already vs. all ready I've all ready bought it. Commonly Confused Words
already vs. all ready We all ready have purchased it. Commonly Confused Words
already vs. all ready We are all ready on our way. Commonly Confused Words
already vs. all ready We would like to all ready go there. Commonly Confused Words
quite / quiet Be quite! Commonly Confused Words
quite / quiet I am quiet new to the school. Commonly Confused Words
quite / quiet That's quiet a list. Commonly Confused Words
quite / quiet A very quite noise. Commonly Confused Words
quite / quiet Let's have a quite word. Commonly Confused Words
He new (knew) I new to this group. Commonly Confused Words
He new (knew) Ah, I new you would say that. Commonly Confused Words
some/certain extend (extent) Yes it is, to a certain extend. Commonly Confused Words
some/certain extend (extent) To the extend permitted by law Commonly Confused Words
their/they're (there) is/are He noticed that their is a new test. Commonly Confused Words
their/they're (there) is/are Yes, their might be a better approach. Commonly Confused Words
their/they're (there) is/are He noticed that they're is a new test. Commonly Confused Words
mother-in-low (mother-in-law) This is her mother-in-low. Commonly Confused Words
mother-in-low (mother-in-law) This is her mother in low. Commonly Confused Words
in the passed (in the past) We succeeded in the passed. Commonly Confused Words
I will by (buy) this car I would by a new iPhone if I had the money. Commonly Confused Words
I will by (buy) this car I wouldn't by this pen. Commonly Confused Words
I will by (buy) this car I usually by my stuff at Walmart. Commonly Confused Words
He is about to (be) executed The feature is about to implemented. Commonly Confused Words
by pass (bypass) The thrust of the Lamfulussy process is a plan that would by pass the normal EU legislative process that includes passage of legislation through the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, which usually takes at least two years. Commonly Confused Words
by pass (bypass) He isn't always by passing the meeting by coming late to work. Commonly Confused Words
by pass (bypass) He always by passes the meeting by coming late to work. Commonly Confused Words
by pass (bypass) The by pass saved his life. Commonly Confused Words
too go (to go) I want too go abroad. Commonly Confused Words
too go (to go) I would like her too do it now. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much It fails to often. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much Ah to late Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much Ah to late. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much I drove to fast because I was in a hurry. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much You’re 7 years to late. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much He spent 10% to much. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much His idea came much to soon to be successful. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much It broke because to much snow was on it. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much But I see the problem of two many files. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much It's to early. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much It is to small Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much It isn't to small Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much It's to good to be true. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much To bad that you don't like cats. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much But you can use it for other things, to. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much But you can use it for other things, to Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much This price is way to high. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much You drive way to fast. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much She returned to quickly. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much Did you have a great day to? Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much I have seen it way to many times. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much I was trying to hard. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much I had one to many beers. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much I had one to many beers. Commonly Confused Words
to/two (too) late/soon/much It's near too impossible. Commonly Confused Words
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-09-26 16:45:37 +0000)