Browse Rules: 6,139 matches
These are some of the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online.
Description | Example | Category |
after been (being) | After been assaulted, the man was often wary. | Possible Typo |
imminent (eminent) domain | Their house was claimed due to imminent domain. | Possible Typo |
chomping (champing) at the bit | The horses were all chomping at the bit. | Possible Typo |
constellation (consolation) prize | The team was so upset, they didn't even claim their constellation prize. | Possible Typo |
constitutes (consists) of | The city constitutes of five boroughs. | Possible Typo |
could (couldn't) care less | The man on the street said he could care less. | Possible Typo |
couldn't careless (care less) | I couldn't careless. | Possible Typo |
could (couldn't) give a damn | Frankly, my dear, I could give a damn. | Possible Typo |
daily regiment (regimen) | They had a strict daily regiment of calisthenics. | Possible Typo |
de factor (facto) | There was a de factor ban on cigarettes. | Possible Typo |
LanguageTool 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-01-17 22:33:10 +0100)