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Aquests són els errors que pot detectar LanguageTool. Aneu a la pàgina d'inici de LanguageTool per a fer-lo servir en línia o descarregar-lo gratuïtament.

Descripció Exemple Categoria
missing hyphen in 'in app' They earned all their money through in app purchases. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'in app' Most of their revenue came from in app purchases. Grammar
runnner-up In 1937, Charlton finished runners up in the First Division, in 1938 finished fourth and 1939 finished third. Grammar
the how to (how-to) Have you read the how to article? Grammar
missing hyphen in 'low hanging fruit' The task was very easy to accomplish, it really was a low hanging fruit. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'run on' I'm using a tool to fix my run on sentences. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'run on' I'm wearing a button up shirt. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'high end' The high end computer. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'same sex' A same sex marriage. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'same sex' Same sex marriage is now legal in 20 countries worldwide, including Ireland as of yesterday. Grammar
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-05-16 22:33:07 +0200)