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These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
hoe vs how Learn hoe to become a better developer. Commonly Confused Words
HIV virus (HIV) The HIV virus continues to spread. Redundant Phrases
hitch hike (hitchhike) She went hitch hiking with her brother to explore the nature. Grammar
hit the breaks (brakes) Charlie forgot to hit the breaks. Possible Typo
historic (historical) record The policy was strictly a matter of historic record. Possible Typo
his vs he's What is he's job? Commonly Confused Words
his vs he's His a great friend of mine. Commonly Confused Words
HIPPA (HIPAA) This is not a HIPPA violation. Possible Typo
hing (thing / hang) The hing is, I really don't understand what you want. Possible Typo
high light (highlight) Please high light the important words in your text. Grammar
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-05-01 22:33:07 +0200)