Спільнота LanguageTool

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Опис Приклад Категорія
on the contraire (au contraire) On the contraire, you've been following me home! Possible Typo
on the lamb (lam) The criminals spent most of the summer on the lamb. Possible Typo
on the look out (lookout) She is on the look out for cheap clothes. Grammar
on the occasion of (on, when, because of) I was congratulated on the occasion of my son's birthday. Plain English
on the other hand (omit, but, yet) On the other hand, do we really need one? Plain English
on the same token (by the same token) On the same token, they believe you've cheated them. Possible Typo
on two separate occasions (twice) I stayed here on two separate occasions. Plain English
on-going (ongoing) There is an on-going investigation. Possible Typo
onboard -> on board We are so happy to have you onboard. Compounding
once a (or) twice He wants to do it once a twice a month. Commonly Confused Words
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-05-17 22:33:07 +0200)