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These are some of the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online.

Description Example Category
'does' ... 3rd person verb (base verb) Does your memory usage grows during processing? Grammar
'Do to the lack of' → 'Due to lack of' He feels powerless do to the lack of friends. Commonly Confused Words
'Do to that fact that' → 'Due to' Do to the fact that the MTA has burned through leaders at a rate of nearly one per year over the last six years, ... Commonly Confused Words
'did' with past tense verb Did the application worked? Grammar
'did' with past tense verb Did you forgot it? Grammar
'did' with past tense verb Didn't you forgot it? Grammar
'Could've' + irregular past tense verb We could've ate the chicken. Possible Typo
'by' + passive participle (be) This can by consistent with usability constraints. Possible Typo
'breath of scope' (breadth of scope) It should be noted, however, that invariance might not be the only way to attain a large breath of scope. Possible Typo
'as follow' (as follows) We can elaborate this distinction as follow. Possible Typo
LanguageTool 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-01-13 22:33:10 +0100)