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Browse Rules: 6,139 matches

These are some of the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online.

Description Example Category
ad nauseum (nauseam) The song was playing ad nauseum. Possible Typo
ad vs as I can take care ad well. Commonly Confused Words
ad vs as He will take care ad soon as possible. Commonly Confused Words
add an additional (add) How to Add an additional page to a Full Flash Site Redundant Phrases
add an additional (add) Add an additional: Redundant Phrases
add salt to injury (insult to injury) Don't be like that and add salt to injury! Semantics
add-no (add-on) LanguageTool is available as a browser add-no. Possible Typo
addicting (addictive) Nicotine is the addicting drug in tobacco. Commonly Confused Words
Collocation: addiction to/of I would like to work with people who have an addiction of drugs. Collocations
adequate enough (adequate) The Allen test is not adequate enough for the screening of hand circulation. Redundant Phrases
LanguageTool 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-01-15 22:33:11 +0100)