Comunidade LanguageTool

Catalan Dutch English French German Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Ukrainian

Browse Rules: 6.133 matches

These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Descrición Exemplo Categoría
(c) instead of © Copyright (C) Joanna Bator, 2012 Typography
may be (maybe) I paid (may be) an exorbitant price for this. Possible Typo
Warn when the serial comma is not used Stocking, George, Jr. (Race, Culture and Evolution). Style
Apostrophe in dates Hillary Clinton asked where Bernie Sanders was in the 1990's. Typography
Mathematics: +- - ± m = 75,5 -+ 0,1 g Typography
Possible agreement error: 'a + collective noun + of' + singular countable noun Glossary of term and acronyms Grammar
Possible agreement error: 'a + collective noun + of' + singular countable noun The library has a collection of book. Grammar
Respectful against/toward Respectful against. Collocations
Collocation: guard from/against The dog guards from the thieves. Collocations
Childish language Put a ticky on it. Style
LanguageTool 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2024-10-21 11:28:37 +0200)