LanguageTool Community

Catalan Dutch English French German Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Ukrainian

Browse Rules: 6,130 matches

These are the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description Example Category
missing hyphen in 'low cost' I will be flying with a low cost airline to save some money. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'much needed' The film gave a much needed boost to the country's tourist industry. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'on/off screen' I enabled the on screen keyboard. Compounding
quite / quiet A very quite noise. Commonly Confused Words
nigger vs bigger There's a nigger problem. Commonly Confused Words
Collocation: invoice of/for We booked for 8 tickets but we only received an invoice of 7 tickets. Collocations
I eat an apple a days (day) An apple a days keeps the doctor away. Grammar
I eat an apple a days (day) He visits the classroom three times a weeks. Grammar
I work (I have worked|I have been working) here since 2002 The boys sit here since 10. Grammar
I work (I have worked|I have been working) here since 2002 The boys were here since 10. Grammar
LanguageTool 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-07-26 16:45:35 +0000)