Browse Rules: 6,139 matches
These are some of the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online.
Description | Example | Category |
tent vs tend | I tent to agree with you. | Commonly Confused Words |
confusion of 'an' and 'and' | He is my friend an my colleague. | Commonly Confused Words |
already vs. all ready | Peter all ready has done that. | Commonly Confused Words |
My life as (has|was) gotten a lot busier in the last month | My life as gotten a lot busier in the last month. | Possible Typo |
responds vs. response | It doesn't response even after refreshing the page of text | Possible Typo |
Remove comma after Oxford list, before predicate | Speech, language, and voice disorders such as apraxia, aphasia, and spasmodic dysphonia, affect the vocal cords, nerves, muscles, and brain structures. | Punctuation |
Everything went good (well) until I checked out the competition | Everything went good until I checked out the competition. | Grammar |
Noun vs verb | Those are the users who often checkout my new website. | Grammar |
They were used to hunt (for hunting) partridges | They are used to hunt partridges. | Style |
confusion of though/thought | At first I though that we should focus on customers who want to diversify their unique risks. | Grammar |
LanguageTool 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-01-19 22:33:09 +0100)