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Browse Rules: 6,137 matches

These are some of the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online.

Description Example Category
show case (showcase) He prepared a show case for the presentation. Grammar
pick up (pickup) She drives a pick up. Grammar
on boarding (onboarding) The car comes with an on board computer. Grammar
a/the + proper noun The facetime meeting was nice! Grammar
half vs halve That's my halve of the calzone! Commonly Confused Words
the + verb My believe in god. Grammar
the + verb The deploy. Grammar
over complicated (overcomplicated) The over use of medicine can harm your health in the long term. Grammar
feed back (feedback) He told me his feed back and it helped me to improve. Grammar
missing hyphen in 'all-wheel' He is driving an all wheel SUV. Grammar
LanguageTool 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-01-12 22:33:09 +0100)