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Browse Rules: 6,137 matches

These are some of the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online.

Description Example Category
former alumnus (alumnus) The former alumnus adviser of Alpha Lambda Chapter was elected as congressman-at- large in Ohio. Redundant Phrases
comma before ending sentence with adverb It could work maybe. Punctuation
No comma before 'which' I am going to the house which burned down. Punctuation
're do' spelled as one word He was re doing his homework. Grammar
Missing noun after an adjective This is an absurd. Grammar
Impossible dates (April 31st, etc.) She will join us on the 34th of March. Semantics
Impossible dates (April 31st, etc.) She will join us on the 34th of Nov. Semantics
Impossible dates (April 31st, etc.) She will join us on 31st of Feb. Semantics
Impossible dates (April 31st, etc.) On 29 February 2005, Frasyniuk came out with the initiative to merge the UW into a new social-liberal party to be called "the Democrats". Semantics
does (do) I/you/we/they But Does you have your glasses? Grammar
LanguageTool 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-01-14 22:33:10 +0100)