Browse Rules: 6,139 matches
These are some of the errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online.
Description | Example | Category |
I no (don't) speak English | Why you no speak English? | Grammar |
I no (don't) speak English | Why you no speak English? | Grammar |
Collocation: waiting (to) finish | I am waiting my patient finish the sample collection. | Collocations |
waiting (for) a patient | Anne is waiting her patient. | Collocations |
Collocation: waiting after (for) someone | I am waiting after her. | Collocations |
waived (waved) off | The offsides call was waived off by the referee. | Possible Typo |
missing hyphen in 'wake up call' | His normal wake up time is at 7:30 am. | Grammar |
though (through) | Let me walk you though the materials. | Possible Typo |
a long (along) | He drives a long the road. | Compounding |
Compound adjective: wall to wall | This wall to wall carpeting is exquisite. | Grammar |
LanguageTool 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-02-11 22:33:09 +0100)