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Rule "an every day (everyday)"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description: an every day (everyday)
Message: Did you mean \1 everyday?
Category: Possible Typo (ID: TYPOS)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • These shoes are great for every day wear.
    Correction suggestion: for everyday
  • He used a language so formal that it was unintelligible to every day people.
    Correction suggestion: to everyday
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • Check in every day!
  • Once you make a commitment, you do what you have to every day.
  • It's great they can experience what I'm up to every day and see what my lifestyle is.
  • The war was in everybody's mind for every day of the five years that it encompassed.
  • ... and gather what is sufficient for every day: that I may prove...
  • If must be sufficient for every day; if not, you can...
  • That's true for every day but one.
  • I think that's applicable to every day save Mondays.
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Version: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-07-26 16:45:35 +0000)