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Rule "Possessive form instead of plural"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description: Possessive form instead of plural
Message: <pleasespellme/>Consider using the plural form here.
Category: Possible Typo (ID: TYPOS)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • 7 reasons why teacher's found us top class
    Correction suggestion: teachers
  • The sequence consists of one's designated as TRUE and zero's designated as FALSE.
    Correction suggestion: ones
  • Please have one of your book admin's send Marc Janichen the Brent curve?
    Correction suggestion: admins
  • Last month, however, the ISO's attorney's alerted the WSCC that the...
    Correction suggestion: attorneys
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • And how funny it'll seem, sending presents to one's own feet!
  • The whole sky's caved in.
  • His throat's shut.
  • Tom's double-parked.
  • Despite disagreeing with many of Bhaktivedanta Swami's required prohibitions, Ginsberg often...
  • Genius is nothing more than one's rediscovered youth.
  • Court's adjourned.
  • Eight-ball: The goal is to () all of one's designated of balls...
  • Eight-ball: The goal is to () all of one's designated balls...
  • Bolivia’s estimated 2012 gross domestic product is up 2%.
  • Brewer's spent grain consists of the residue of malt and grain.
  • It has been permitted under the California Energy Commission's expedited emergency review process.
  • Brewer's spent grain consists of the residue of malt and grain.
  • These are just some of Dickens's acclaimed flights of fancy.
  • Yesterday's estimated volume was 127,000 contacts.
  • My hair's messed up this morning.
  • Your mother's brought each of you something.
  • A grade II listed building, Crabwell Manor's pamper package includes use of the Spa...
  • A grade II listed building, Crabwell Manor's pamper package always include use of the Spa...
  • Data Fortress's managed services products have been well accepted into the marketplace.
  • Data Fortress's managed services products actually really has been well accepted into the marketplace.
  • A friend of my Dad's gave him dice to hang on the rear view mirror of his new 2001 Cadillac.
  • Canada's combined exports and imports ranked 8th among all nations in 2006.
  • Dickens's continued fascination with the theatrical world was written into the theatre scenes in Nicholas Nickleby, but more importantly he found an outlet in public readings.
  • Even worse, my family stop for bite to eat there Friday night when Chili's was packed.
  • Citation's nominated volume on 'Powder' sheet revised.
  • Our dinner at Sambuca's took quite awhile, I think we made it to you guys had a good time, and I'm always up for another night out.
  • "Nature's Hated" (first version)
  • Slower sales growth reflects softer overall demand for MOT's equip., particularly w/in wireless infra.
  • IEP's was also unsuccessful in getting the effective date of 5.37 c/kWh changed in return for the loss of the 10% up front.
  • Once, on the air on HBO's Inside the NFL, he mentioned that the NFL regular season counted for something, but baseball's was beginning to lose significance.
  • We are covering Europe for ourselves and don't really see why we should pick up a share of Corp's spend on Kyoto etc. 2.
  • Brewer's spent grain (also called spent grain, brewer's grain or draff) consists of the residue of malt and grain which remains in the mash-kettle after the mashing and lautering process.
  • An established partnership might have agreed that as hearts were not supported after opener's rebid, 4 cannot possibly show support, and must be ace asking in diamonds.
  • Contact John Graziano regarding PIRA report distribution and address changes Client's licensed distribution area is strictly prohibited.
  • Grant phase out to coincide with Foundation's planned closing in 2006 5.
  • At average unhedged realizations of $22.20 in 3Q01, Mariner's leveraged unit margin (including about $1.85/boe of interest expense) would have been slightly below average historic unit reserve replacement costs.
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Version: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-07-26 16:45:35 +0000)