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Rule "Are we have (Do we have)"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect.

Description: Are we have (Do we have)
Message: There seems to be an error in these verb forms.
Category: Grammar (ID: GRAMMAR)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • Am I finally go home?
    Correction suggestion: Do I finally go, Am I finally going, Am I finally gone
  • Which leads to the question: is it technically feasible, and is it legally authorize?
    Correction suggestion: does it legally authorize, is it legally authorizing, is it legally authorized
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • Am I correct in saying the new ones are 3rd generation?
  • Just a note, however, is that I've had supported z-wave devices fail for similar reasons (lack of power).
  • Was your number lock disabled @philweber?
  • Why is the ignore config not working?
  • Is @reiner fix released already?
  • One problem I have ran into though is that I have a small SSD drive that is used solely for the swap file.
  • Why is the instrumentation transform call triggering additional lookup work?
  • Is it only Safari that isolates cookies in private mode by default?
  • What I'm trying to say here, is that we need to prioritize the kinds of discourse that will empower the culture and minimize negativity.
  • Is the date range fixed or can it be adjusted?
  • Is the query explain plan running at DB or JPA layer?
  • Is the Brackets feature based on the `live-server` Node package, like `atom-live-server` is?
  • Is you question perhaps related to this one?
  • Are my clothes already dry?
  • Are you sure don't want to go to Australia?
  • Be patient please.
  • Is it not love that builds, connects, and creates in the same manner as hate destroys?
  • Is it out?
  • Is time travel possible?
  • Is it love?
  • Where is your favorite make out spot?
  • What is Synthetics monitor doing differently?
  • I've written text which is I hope simple and straightfoward
  • Were you out?
  • If so, are they literally plug and play?
  • they will have their tops aligned, which is I think what you wanted.
  • Was it really love?
  • Are your lips dry?
  • Teb, can you have whoever is responsible confirm for me what TW's last settled equity rate is.
  • Why are you out at this hour?
  • Where is my seat please?
  • Is rice wine the same as normal wine?
  • Is Domain Name a ranking factor?
  • Aren't you please going to sit down?
  • “Kids who were kids then tell me how it was to be walking to school and out of the clouds came a parachute with candy bars that almost hit them on the head.”
  • Is it comfort food for you?
  • Newbie here, is the event log on the client servers?
  • Was it really attempt number five?
Version: 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-02-10 22:33:10 +0100)