Kumuniezh LanguageTool

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Reolenn "capitalize proper names, geographic terms, historic episodes..."

Hemañ zo unan eus ar fazioù a chall diguzhat LanguageTool. Kit da weladenniñ Pajenn degemer LanguageTool evit implijout anezhañ enlinenn pe pellgargañ anezhañ evit netra.

Deskrivadur: capitalize proper names, geographic terms, historic episodes...
Rummad: Upper/Lowercase (ID: CASING)
Liamm: https://languagetool.org/insights/post/spelling-capital-letters/
Frazennoù direizh
a c'hall bezañ diguzhet gant ar reolenn-mañ:
  • She lived several years in south America.
    Reizhadenn ginniget: South America
  • With the reunification of West and east Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany became known simply as 'Germany'.
    Reizhadenn ginniget: East Germany
Frazennoù reizh
evit keñveriañ:
  • The term NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • Go south three blocks and then turn left.
  • The west coast of Scotland is rainy this time of year.
  • Albania is a country in Southeastern Europe.
  • The British Isles and North-Western Europe.
Patrom: [Reolenn Java] Sourcecode
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Stumm: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-05-16 22:33:07 +0200)