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Rule "comma between independent clauses"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect.

Description: comma between independent clauses
Message: Use a comma before "\5" if it connects two independent clauses (unless they are closely connected and short).
Category: Punctuation (ID: PUNCTUATION)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • It was raining and the game was called off.
    Correction suggestion: , and
  • Gómez was defeated and captured and the rebellion was snuffed out.
    Correction suggestion: , and
  • That is exactly what it was and your response was both thoughtful and informative.
    Correction suggestion: , and
  • I looked back and the truck was ordering.
    Correction suggestion: , and
  • The motor is shot or the regulator is dry and binding.
    Correction suggestion: , or
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • That's the same voltage that's measured when the switch is off and the wire is connected.
  • I can confirm the light goes on when a code is entered or the door is unlocked manually.
  • I think I forgot to ask or check in the lead up – is the damage boost from Life calculated before or after the Ally has been successfully devoured?
  • They would reset back to zero when 1 of the 3 is not completed or a day is missed.
  • He said he looked and the oil was fine.
  • If that doesn't work and the battery is connected to the harness properly, you're going to need some voltage tests done by a shop to figure it out.
  • If there is and the shop is denying responsibility, you have a legal case.
  • Hourly polling or even every 15 minutes doesn't have that much of an impact on battery life.
  • What is often overlooked or even unknown is that many of those debts are far more extreme.
  • This deal either needs to be extended or a new deal needs to be set up.
  • Poorly explained or misunderstood messages can also result in confusion.
  • After the bankruptcy is annulled or the bankrupt has been automatically discharged, the bankrupt's credit report status will be shown as "discharged bankrupt" for some years.
  • This is important because WABC's past strategy of attaining roughly 10% EPS growth was heavily dependent on heavy share repurchase and expense savings as opposed to top line growth.
  • Take two: Aspirin, New uses and new dangers are still being discovered as aspirin enters its 2nd century.
  • Access to clean and safe drinking water is a fundamental human right.
  • Fear of clean and safe drinking water is quite illogical.
  • The point where these non-algal plants begin and algae stop is usually taken to be the presence of reproductive organs with protective cell layers, a characteristic not found in the other alga groups.
  • Finally for any enquiries relating to travel or hotel matters please contact our logistics manager Clare Capel on +44 20 7915 5198.
Version: 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-02-10 22:33:10 +0100)