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Rule "Spelling mistakes in proper nouns (2 tokens)"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect.

Description: Spelling mistakes in proper nouns (2 tokens)
Message: Possible spelling mistake found.
Category: Orthographic errors (ID: MULTITOKEN_SPELLING)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • Garcia Máquez.
    Correction suggestion: García Márquez
  • Rene Magrite
    Correction suggestion: René Magritte
  • I spend most weekends tubing down the river in New Braunsfels drunk and/or high and naked, or getting drunk and acting stupid.
    Correction suggestion: New Braunfels
  • Short-finned pilot whale, Globicephala macrorhyncus It was really weird.
    Correction suggestion: Globicephala macrorhynchus
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • La Noche
  • El crack.
  • Gran khan mongòlic.
  • Que sais-je ?
  • Cada ding era un so dringant.
  • Introduïu açí el resultat.
  • Anna-Greta Winberg
  • Jean-Pierre Jeunet
  • A més també es va vendre el Citroën AX elèctric.
  • Jean-François Davy
  • –Robert Downey Jr.–
  • Yolanda Perez
  • Yolanda Pérez
  • Frederic Udina
  • For MIMO systems, pole placement can be performed mathematically using a state space representation of the open-loop system and calculating a feedback matrix assigning poles in the desired positions.
  • Because of the ocean access 23.7% of Costa Ricas people fish and trade their catches to fish companies.
  • GameSpot reviewer Denny Atkin called the factions and their abilities Alpha Centauris "most impressive aspect".
  • He also commented that Alpha Centauris fictional nature allowed them to draw their characters "a lot more sharply and distinctly than the natural blurring and greyness of history."
  • By this time, Ivinskaya had served four years of an eight-year sentence, in retaliation for her role in Doctor Zhivagos publication.
  • Evelyn M. She said that Jackie Stewarts mother is in the hospital with a growth on her pancreas and her baby Jarred is in the hospital with with pneumonia
Version: 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-01-16 22:33:10 +0100)