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Rule "Studies like this relies (rely) on current data"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect.

Description: Studies like this relies (rely) on current data
Message: Possible subject-verb agreement error detected.
Category: Grammar (ID: GRAMMAR)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • A study like this one rely on historical and present data.
    Correction suggestion: relies
  • A study such as this one rely on historical and present data.
    Correction suggestion: relies
  • A car like that only take synthetic motor oil.
    Correction suggestion: takes
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • BTW I like this question.
  • Where does garbage like this come from ?
  • Support; more like this please!
  • There was exactly one event like this since Switch launch.
  • I am living as a fatalist like this since kid.
  • Such a shame nothing like this still exits on atom.
  • Another important point is that, if the installation works well, there is never an error like this while using the App, it's only produced by the installation process.
  • Doesnt something like that take schooling?
  • If there is a app like that out there for eWeLink I would sure like to find it.
Version: 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-02-15 22:33:09 +0100)