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Rule "Noun vs verb"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description: Noun vs verb
Message: The word "\3" is a noun. The verb is spelled with a space.
Category: Grammar (ID: GRAMMAR)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • You should checkout my new website.
    Correction suggestion: check out
  • She could Take-away my heart and I would still love her.
    Correction suggestion: Take away
  • If you could feedback any comments to me after you talk to John, that would be great.
    Correction suggestion: feed back
  • Thanks, I will followup with Shirley.
    Correction suggestion: follow up
  • Please prepare a CD player so that you can quickly playback the sound you want to record.
    Correction suggestion: play back
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • Would checkout really be the best option?
  • Will rollover fees work during maintenance?
  • How will rollover fees work during maintenance?
Pattern: Show XML · Show in Rule Editor
Check the following text against just this rule:

Version: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-04-26 22:33:08 +0200)