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Rule "no vs not"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect.

Description: no vs not
Message: It seems that the adverb "not" is incorrect in this context.
Category: Commonly Confused Words (ID: CONFUSED_WORDS)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • There are not good.
    Correction suggestion: no
  • There is not similarity between her name and my email.
    Correction suggestion: no
  • In North Africa, there are not jaguars.
    Correction suggestion: no
  • There is not set timetable for a decision.
    Correction suggestion: no
  • You said Jeff Skilling left for "personal reasons" and there were not hidden financial problems.
    Correction suggestion: no
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • There are not enough words.
  • There are not so many teachers here.
  • There is not much hope.
  • There's not going to be a party.
  • The hospital there is not huge.
  • The folks that work there are not mechanics ad they don’t know what they are doing.
  • Naomi died in 1956, and she did not have a kaddish at her funeral because there were not ten Jewish men present.
  • There is not left one man to seven women, and everywhere there are widows to still-living husbands.
ID: NO_NOT [3]
Version: 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-02-05 22:33:09 +0100)