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Rule "Comma after Oxford list, before new clause"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect.

Description: Comma after Oxford list, before new clause
By default, this rule is not active in LanguageTool
Message: TBD
Category: Punctuation (ID: PUNCTUATION)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • Add in algorithms, machine learning, bots, remote sensing, social engineering, and psychological warfare and it really gets crazy.
    Correction suggestion: warfare,
  • I have checked nginx, php, and mysql error logs and this error isn't there.
    Correction suggestion: logs,
  • That type of Bosch pump is also used on SAAB, VW, and other Euro cars and they do take a beating.
    Correction suggestion: cars,
  • My voices are always doing the wrong thing, they flash pictures of children, celebrities, and other people and it makes me more anxious and is not helping me.
    Correction suggestion: people,
  • Peoples Gas invoices ENA about $400.00 a month for a License Fee, Customer Service Charge, and taxes and it looks like we have not paid this bill for the last 3 months.
    Correction suggestion: taxes,
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • A continental shelf dispute involving Iceland, Ireland, and the UK (Ireland and the UK have signed a boundary agreement in the Rockall area)
  • Andalusia's native sheep and goats present a great economic opportunity in a Europe where animal products are generally in strong supply, but the sheep and goat meat, milk, and leather (and the products derived from these) are relatively scarce.
  • Segments that link to the city center are named after influential politicians, with three of them named after former U.S. Presidents (Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Reagan) and one named after two-time Democratic candidate Adlai Stevenson.
  • Black players moved freely through the rest of baseball, playing in Canadian Baseball, Mexican Baseball, Caribbean Baseball, and Central America and South America where more than a few found that level of fame that they were unable to attain in the country of their birth.
  • The attorney general and the secretary of state would have to establish an advisory group representing government entities, local exchange carriers, business, and senior citizens and other community advocates to promote educational literature to inform consumers about telephone solicitations.
  • In the U.S., the instrument has seen something of a resurgence since the 1980s, with Eddie Daniels, Don Byron, and Marty Ehrlich and others playing the clarinet in more contemporary contexts.
  • I tried them out on Erisson, Motorola, and Nokia phones and they worked perfectly.
  • Drinking the best, frozen margaritas and eating continental cuisine by the pool with Playboy Bunnies, Hawaiian Tropic chicks, and surprise celebrities and rock star's.
  • The Koori people of Victoria also knew Altair as Bunjil, the Wedge-tailed Eagle, and β and γ Aquilae are his two wives the Black Swans.
  • Unlike during the record high gas and power prices and blackouts last year winter, reduced demand, increased gas storage levels, and new gas and power supplies will significantly temper prices and significantly reduce the risk of supply disruptions.
  • The style of British blues developed in the UK, when bands such as The Animals, Fleetwood Mac, John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers, The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds, and Cream and Irish musician Rory Gallagher performed classic blues songs from the Delta or Chicago blues traditions.
  • Berkeley borders the cities of Albany, Oakland, and Emeryville and Contra Costa County including unincorporated Kensington as well as San Francisco Bay.
  • We are pleased to announce that effective immediately Human Resources, Employee Responsibility, and Executive and Corporate Compensation will report directly to the Office of the Chairman.
  • Previous investors Prism Venture Partners, Advanced Technology Ventures, and Catalyst Health and Technology Partners also contributed to the funding.
Version: 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-03-06 22:33:09 +0100)