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Rule "simple cases of passive voice"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect.

Description: simple cases of passive voice
Message: For a more expressive style, consider rephrasing the sentence in the active voice.
Category: Style (ID: STYLE)
Tags: [picky]
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • The children are saved by the fireman.
    Correction suggestion: The fireman saves the children
  • A loss is represented by a negative sign.
    Correction suggestion: A negative sign represents a loss
  • The story is made up by the boy.
    Correction suggestion: The boy makes up the story
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • An artist is known by their work.
  • The bridge is launched by the cantilever method.
  • The bridge is launched by default.
  • His badness is only redeemed by his generosity.
  • A man is grabbed by his tongue.
  • A woman is grabbed by her tongue.
  • Men are grabbed by their tongues.
  • Neither nominee has yet been confirmed by the Senate.
  • He is very appreciated by the Algerian women.
  • Enron Wind is unlikely to take any action if real progress is made by this Friday.
  • A calamity was avoided by sheer luck.
  • Acid strength is commonly measured by two methods.
  • All trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
  • These children are neglected by their parents
  • This service has been well received by our customers.
  • Terrestrial life was well established by the Carboniferous period.
  • His story was borne out by the facts.
  • However, inside current computational ranges (such as the counts of Carmichael numbers performed by Pinch up to 1021), these conjectures are not yet borne out by the data.
  • It is published by email.
  • We are related by blood.
  • Milk is sold by the pint.
  • Rice is sold by the kilogram.
  • Tom is paid by the hour.
  • The apples are sold by the dozen.
  • In Japan, we are paid by the month.
  • Yeah, this association was only established by our autopsy findings.
  • They came early, while the rest were simply tempted by the rewards.
  • They're political because they are informed by societal patriarchal principles.
  • He is handicapped by poor health.
Version: 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-02-05 22:33:09 +0100)