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Rule "He has uses (used) the switch"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description: He has uses (used) the switch
Message: The inflection of the verb "\8" seems to be incorrect here.
Category: Grammar (ID: GRAMMAR)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • He has uses a space before the colon.
    Correction suggestion: used, been using, to use
  • Yes, then we have making a post request for each fired event.
    Correction suggestion: made, been making, to make
  • I've review all three.
    Correction suggestion: reviewed, been reviewing, to review
  • We've also cooking a cake for you.
    Correction suggestion: cooked, been cooking, to cook
  • Now you have define a collection.
    Correction suggestion: defined, been defining, to define
  • Hi Rick, good update, but you have add a + at the top.
    Correction suggestion: added, been adding, to add
  • We spoke with Stuart Zisman today, who suggested we make sure that both of you have receive a recent copy of the list.
    Correction suggestion: received, been receiving, to receive
  • Now we have nearly TRIPLE the chances with all the Events running all the time.
    Correction suggestion: Tripled, Been tripling, To triple
  • Due to the recent drastic fall in the Enron stock price, $90 in Jan. to $8.50 today, we have postpone our search.
    Correction suggestion: postponed, been postponing, to postpone
  • But if I’ve have the same dilemma.
    Correction suggestion: had, been having, to have
  • Tom has search a little bit but found nothing.
    Correction suggestion: searched, been searching, to search
  • Now Apple had launch the new iPad Pro to the market, and I want to know if you know is this program will be available on iOS.
    Correction suggestion: launched, been launching, to launch
  • I am most interested if anyone has train a troop to 10, 15, or 20?
    Correction suggestion: trained, been training, to train
  • If the contacts are bad you may have replace the fuse panel.
    Correction suggestion: replaced, been replacing, to replace
  • I have has the oil pressure sensor replace and oil is in the crankcase.
    Correction suggestion: had, been having, to have
  • Well, Mary really could've spend a fraction of that on better lug nuts.
    Correction suggestion: spent, been spending, to spend
  • Over the last week Elisa Tamez and I have contacting many of you to offer assistance in calling delinquent supervisors.
    Correction suggestion: contacted, been contacting, to contact
  • Did you have enter your PIN in the computer?
    Correction suggestion: entered, been entering, to enter
  • Sami should have know this.
    Correction suggestion: known, been knowing, to know
  • Amy, I have forward this to Sean Crandall to help you settle.
    Correction suggestion: forwarded, been forwarding, to forward
  • Do you know whether they will have compiling the information?
    Correction suggestion: compiled, been compiling, to compile
  • I am sure they will have compiling the information by tomorrow.
    Correction suggestion: compiled, been compiling, to compile
  • If you have see any problems with the imbalance volumes reflected on the invoice, please let me know.
    Correction suggestion: seen, been seeing, to see
  • I have contact you!
    Correction suggestion: contacted, been contacting, to contact
  • The widespread growth of mobile devices and social media have cause the Red Sox to expand its team update information into other platforms.
    Correction suggestion: caused, been causing, to cause
  • It is my hope to use it for all the ECT trading groups, the Power group has already copies it.
    Correction suggestion: copied, been copying, to copy
  • East Power has hire several traders in a rush.
    Correction suggestion: hired, been hiring, to hire
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • The only extra it has is the ionizer.
  • What you have is the “V3” hub.
  • We will have full IT overnight support.
  • As we have grown, we have not done as well as we should have in communicating those policies to new employees and reminding all employees to take advantage of the discounts we have negotiated.
  • I will be happy to address any questions you have regarding the form.
  • The videos they have are all professional actors etc.
  • The Honeywell thermostat I have is the Model # RTH6580WF1001/U1.
  • Anyway, hope you have fun this weekend.
  • We can have changes every day.
  • All I have is the camera so I haven’t bother to install any of the smart apps for it.
  • We have cards the other wants / needs.
  • We should have lunch some time.
  • He had breakfast all alone.
  • We have kids that need help.
  • Sami had school that day.
  • I have work that must be done.
  • He has experience that may be useful to your group.
  • They have experiments that just can't go off.
  • We will have little snow this winter.
  • They have much rain all the year round.
  • By far, the most I have are the Iris motion sensors.
  • He had bruises all over after the fight.
  • Sami had parties every day.
  • As you know, I have Please invite your candidate to dinner when you call (remind them that a jacket is required at dinner).
  • Do you have time the day after tomorrow?
  • I have nothing indicating a company change for 2001.
  • I had dinner an hour ago.
  • We have as clear a choice as America has faced in at least a generation.
  • ..., so all Paul should have is his airfare and incidentals.
  • Just how much trash do you have cluttering your workplace?
  • Sami had school the next morning.
  • We won't have dinner no more.
  • Mennad had bills that were due.
  • The only possibly valid point that she might have is the fact that we didn't tell her that.
  • Serge told us on Oct. 3 that he would have comments no later thatn the week of 10/16 and you would follow up with him.
  • I believe I have since adding the Sonos.
  • I still had doubts the second time.
  • All Enron has is a confirmation from the broker, the party with whom we have contracted through the BrokerClient product.
  • Products I have are a Schlage keypad door luck.
  • We having classes this week.
  • So all I have now is a hub that I am unable to reach since it is not in pairing mode.
  • She had bruises all over her body.
  • We had dinner a few days ago and he asked me if I thought you might be interested in meeting with Ali Rodgrigues.
  • Even though the transformer I have has a light sensor I programmed it.
  • But if your coworker has already told you they did a good job for them, then you have evidence the shop knows what they are doing.
  • Just do what you need to do with your vehicle and if you have questions the dealer is the best place to start.
  • If you have flavors the script is smart enough to detect that.
  • If you have spark the fuel is the next problem to check.
  • Please do not hesitate to give me a call with any questions you may have concerning this matter.
  • We have FREE His and Her watches valued at $30 each waiting for you.
  • The best I ever had is this.
  • Again, I think the biggest asset SmartThings has is its vibrant and active developer user community.
  • I had classes the week my cat died.
  • She has tests a month from now.
  • Soon I will have double the number of nieces and nephews I have at the moment.
  • ... VHS tape, which, although it has double the number of (vertical) scan lines, has a much lower horizontal resolution.
  • Who in legal do I have review the contract for acceptance?
  • The copy of the confirm that I have HAS NO COMMENTS.
  • I had cramps, a backache and headache.
  • I knew I'd break his heart.
  • Consequently the probability of meeting current reporting deadlines would be greatly improved given that we will have full IT overnight support covering for any IT failure and curve input validation processes on trade date.
  • He had sex the next day.
  • Those who consume ambrosia typically had not blood in their veins, but ichor.
  • We have fun a lot!
  • We will have sex a few times.
  • Everything that the US has is a little too much power.
  • Everything that the US has is a little too much power.
  • We no have Order No. 888 OATTs except for a few parties.
  • This guy has balls the size of church bells.
  • Both the CA and the Retail Agreement have sections that explicity mention that ENA has to keep information confidential.
  • The test revealed that the sample had almost double the allowed sediment level.
  • What the HCS report has is the what if results...
  • One property many proteins have is that they specifically bind to a certain molecule or class of molecules.
  • Democrats would have too narrow a majority and each senator's individual power in the legislative process is too great for that.
  • The only gas CES has are the Exhibit 1 volumes.
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Version: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-04-29 22:33:07 +0200)