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Rule "Missing verb: PRONOUN + NOUN (VERB)"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description: Missing verb: PRONOUN + NOUN (VERB)
Message: Check that the noun '\3' after the pronoun '\2' is correct. It's possible that you may need to switch to a possessive pronoun, or use another part of speech.
Category: Grammar (ID: GRAMMAR)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • You device isn't working.
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • … to which he responds.
  • … to which he quickly responded.
  • She told me her secret.
  • Is it bad?
  • I have trust in you ma'am
  • Without you life is cruel.
  • Without you life has no meaning.
  • Isn't it time to do it?
  • He said 'You ain't'
  • You ain my friend
  • So all you crime busters, tomorrow night is the night.
  • I can't believe how materialistic you energy traders are.
  • Here's one for all you geography whizzes out there.
  • We firemen in Cleveland can do it.
  • Type I diabetes.
  • The video gives you everything you need!
  • The Class I shareholder report.
  • I pray to you oh lord.
  • I ain't stupid.
  • Have we anything new to test?
  • Haven't we anything new to test?
  • All of you girls
  • We farmers here in South Carolina.
  • Aren't you something else?
  • They can take care of you day by day.
  • ... if I ask you anything else today.
  • I wouldn’t read within it anything other than the half (of the Qur’an) that I had previously memorized.
  • They sold you garbage!
  • I'm sharing with you insights and statistics about yesterday's traffic.
  • It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.
  • Who wrote 'The World As I See It'?
  • Doing all that you can is good enough.
  • …success of the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship.
  • The current proliferation of IT certifications...
  • We robots will create a new order.
  • The purpose of marriage in the Bahá'i faith is mainly to...
  • ... time since you've given me one of these, you bastards!
  • ... you fool!," he shouted.
  • Dionysius Lardner wrote about it in 1834 in the Edinburgh Review.
  • Were they lovers at that time?
  • ... wrote, "[T]he status of priest among Christians is merely that of...
  • They kind of took me in.
  • In the Huang He valley.
  • The C/I dishwasher.
  • We have an A.I director
  • And, so it sort of all ended up fitting together.
  • the gap and overlap regions of type I collagen fibrils with implications for bone...
  • ... were indeed historical figures and they most probably taught Buddha two different forms of...
  • The essential feature of bipolar I disorder is a clinical course characterized by the ...
  • Following the execution of Charles I in 1649 and the establishment of the Commonwealth...
  • ... which the good can be sold, the more of it producers will supply, as in the figure.
  • Archaic. ... and by it thou mayest judge his fairness, both in hair and ...
  • ... pediatric and adult patients with bipolar I mania: a comparative analysis of...
  • Some say we Argentinians are arrogant, but that's just because we're ...
  • ... but associates with it something of pusillanimity.
  • ...has no articles of faith; accordingly, in it nothing can be assumed as existing except what is...
  • On no condition has he permission to touch it.
  • ... but had she time to do it?
  • I'm going to stand with you arm in arm.
  • I can provide to you information that you asked for.
  • I can give to you something that makes you happy.
  • ... and by providing to it data which it will use in its calculations.
  • Peter and him have someone they know and Ralph admires.
  • Nearly 18 million acres of land have been burned - most of it bushland, forests and national parks, which...
  • I love the way you are and friends should honor that.
  • I love the way you are and time will tell whether we...
  • We will be lost when they die and computers take over the world.
  • I want to make the top of it semolina and and melt the chocolate...
  • I'm getting ready to paint the top of it black and put a rose decal on it.
  • I luv trucks.
  • You folks sure have an idea!
  • Uh, I dunno.
  • We students all like baseball.
  • publisher=iT News for Australian Business|accessdate=4 December...
  • Let's transfer his .it domain
  • || (lit., I TOPIC student COPULA) |- | これはペンです。 | Kore wa pen desu.
  • I will be stopping by this morning to distribute the pages that were missing from the "Options" section in your Deriviatives I binder.
  • Wyban, Carol Araki (1992) Tide and Current: Fishponds of Hawai'I University of Hawaii Press:: ISBN 978-0-8248-1396-3
  • I bot 1,000/d apr/oct @ 2.91.
  • The order Cucurbitales in the eurosid I clade comprises almost 2600 species in 109 or 110 genera in eight families, tropical and temperate, of very different sizes, morphology, and ecology.
  • The EIA data contains FERC form I data.
  • Canadian Forces identity discs (abbreviated "I discs") are designed to be broken in two in the case of fatality; the lower half is returned to National Defence Headquarters with the member's personal documents, while the upper half remains on the body.
  • That's a little too much for me unless I get a mortgage which I horror the idea of owing any bank money.
  • Two topoisomerase I inhibitors, irinotecan and topotecan, are semi-synthetically derived from camptothecin, which is obtained from the Chinese ornamental tree Camptotheca acuminata.
  • I to I neg.
  • However, if a C*-algebra has non-type I representations, then by results of James Glimm it also has representations of type II and type III
  • I statements "All I know is that my role here is to.....
  • Four months after the court victory, the common ingredients of ayahuasca as well as harmala were declared stupéfiants, or narcotic schedule I substances, making the tea and its ingredients illegal to use or possess.
  • TO YOU tips or assistance in setting up your own personal CustomClips folders.
  • Scene No. 5: Heraus, ihr Schönen von Mahagonny ("Come Out, You Beauties of Mahagonny")
  • Probably not a big deal for most of you, but didn't want any of you Arians owners to get stuck on this short week if he was your guy.
  • I can't be held responsible for the conscientious manner in which you SCADA people wish to satisfy the data requirements of the company.
  • The poor dishrag is laying the blame at you Texans' feet.
  • Waddell was the 27th and last batter, and when he flied out, Young shouted, "How do you like that, you hayseed?"
  • “Rather, where are you carrying that debauched lot, you philanderer?”
  • It was pretty rare to talk about God with people at Enron and I am thankful that I met you and in you someone who shared the same foundation of faith.
  • I'll *give* you something to cry about.
  • Insofar as you Treasurer watch goes, I'm still seeing a psychotherapist trying to learn to forgive you for letting Roby talk you into billing the chapter for about 400 $5,000 life insurance policies he milked the brothers into buying when he worked for MONY.
  • Several of Saint Columba's prophecies reflect the scribal culture in which he was immersed, such his miraculous knowledge of the missing letter “I” from Baithene's psalter [15] or when he prophecies that an eager man will knock over his inkhorn and spill its contents.
  • During the storage and before the fuel disposal, most of it beta decays to californium-249.
  • They (women) are sometimes unable to stand the hard work of it day in and day out.
  • National Alliance was a heterogeneous political party and within it members were divided in different factions, some of them very organized:
  • Most people around the world would call > it terrorism when bombs and missiles are mercilessly dropped on innocent > people in Bagdad, Kabul, Tripoli, Khartoum, Hanoi or Hiroshima, not only > when they fall on America.
  • We Democrats," said Sherman, "hope very much that our skepticism is proven wrong.
  • Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.
  • The world is no longer safe, not even for we relics.
  • One trader describes this as "probably the single best I environment for equity derivatives that we've seen in the last decade".
  • I men's basketball debut tonight (Nov. 16) against Morehead State University.
  • Five years later, Jones reflected that “it cost us something to stay out of an association, but we stayed out.
  • I am going to look into and will need a breakdown from you day by day for these days(8/6 thru 8/10).
  • Then, we citizens, sit here even today in protest.
  • Read All About It Edition 1: Nov 2021
  • so know what we youth crave and make...
  • make me long for you day to-day
  • ('You turnip' → You love Tu...
  • "And for you ma'am?"
  • "Is it really you son?"
  • On the ground you killer we won’t miss you.
  • "You brat" he screamed.
Pattern: Show XML · Show in Rule Editor
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ID: PRP_VB [1]
Version: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-09-26 16:45:37 +0000)