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Rule "Warn when the serial comma is not used"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect.

Description: Warn when the serial comma is not used
Message: The serial comma (Oxford comma, Harvard comma) is missing.
Category: Style (ID: STYLE)
Tags: [picky]
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • She speaks Spanish, German and French.
    Correction suggestion: German, and
  • She took a photograph of her parents, the president and the vice president.
    Correction suggestion: president, and
  • Would you like tea, coffee, water or wine?
    Correction suggestion: water, or
  • Will you use my car, your car or the train?
    Correction suggestion: car, or
  • Art is used in rituals, performances and dances as a decoration or symbol.
    Correction suggestion: performances, and
  • He likes singing, dancing and playing.
    Correction suggestion: dancing, and
  • Internet traffic systems currently run faster in Australia, Europe and even South America.
    Correction suggestion: Europe, and
  • On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Lindy Donoho will be available.
    Correction suggestion: Thursday, and
  • Basic syntactic construction is subject–object–verb (unlike Spanish, French or English where a subject–verb–object construction is more common).
    Correction suggestion: French, or
  • The first identified case was in Japan in 1996, and strains have since been found in hospitals in England, France and the US.
    Correction suggestion: France, and
  • Countries like Japan, Switzerland and Israel that did not have traditional stock horse industries have begun to compete with American Quarter Horses in their own nations and internationally.
    Correction suggestion: Switzerland, and
  • It is also responsible for the renaming of these divisions — until the advent of Coca-Cola sponsorship, they were referred to as Divisions One, Two and Three.
    Correction suggestion: Two, and
  • Cement clinker, coal, wheat, diesel and LPG.
    Correction suggestion: diesel, and
  • Decorate your table, your house and even yourself with ideas from Kid's Domain.
    Correction suggestion: house, and
  • One, three, five, seven and nine are odd numbers.
    Correction suggestion: seven, and
  • Would you like mango, apples and papaya?
    Correction suggestion: apples, and
  • Similar drops have occurred in other big technology companies like Sun Microsystems, Intel and Oracle.
    Correction suggestion: Intel, and
  • In 1701, England, Portugal and the Netherlands sided with the Holy Roman Empire against Spain and France in the War of the Spanish Succession, which lasted until 1714.
    Correction suggestion: Portugal, and
  • Thanks to Vig, Susan, Lorraine and Richard for hustling on this analysis.
    Correction suggestion: Lorraine, and
  • Legislative power is vested in the President, the government and parliament.
    Correction suggestion: government, and
  • Humans have five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.
    Correction suggestion: taste, and
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • She speaks Spanish, German, and French.
  • Irina, a singer and actress, was born in Poland.
  • Zone 5 starts in Madison, Georgia and ends in Fairgax, Virginia.
  • Also, Dan and Bob want to pow wow on the questions and the policy early next week.
  • Yeah, mom and dad got back over the weekend.
  • Following a productive dialogue, Apple and the plaintiffs in the Cameron et al. v. Apple Inc. developer suit reached an agreement that identifies seven key priorities
  • Now, EPA and others are wanting 2 ppm, again based on vague data.
  • Later he was with GC&CS; in the Heliopolis Museum, Cairo and then in the Villa Laurens, Alexandria.
  • They became polarised into two camps, with Marx and Bakunin as their respective figureheads.
  • The International Time Bureau began a time scale, Tm or AM, in July 1955, using both local caesium clocks and ...
  • Generally who visits their parents the most, sons or daughters?
  • While he was growing up, his father and Nick Bollettieri trained him in this way.
  • Since being introduced by Portuguese in the 16th century, maize and manioc have replaced traditional African...
  • Which do you like better, summer or winter?
  • With the rise of space tourism, NASA and the Russian Federal Space Agency agreed to use...
  • On the other hand, consonants and vowels are written as independent letters.
  • In spite of their various differences, Joan and Ann are friends.
  • In addition to buses, Calgary and Edmonton operate light rail transit systems.
  • It was Branchus, son or lover of Apollo.
  • His father was Hermann Einstein, a salesman and engineer.
  • Recorded by Ptolemy, the geographer and astronomer from Alexandria
  • ... and according to Alberta Economic Development, Calgary and Edmonton both host over four million visitors.
  • According to Alberta Economic Development, Calgary and Edmonton both host over four million visitors.
  • I like both chips and eggs and pie and peas.
  • This music focuses on themes in love, religious and epic.
  • But in some jurisdictions, the state or prosecution may appeal "as of right" from a trial.
  • Likewise, in some jurisdictions, the state or prosecution may appeal an issue of law "by leave".
  • Meanwhile, plains and foothills are characterized by high solar radiation.
  • Chapter 2: Albedo, a whitening or leucosis
  • Barnett, William and John Hoopes (editors).
  • Due to market conditions, Marketing and Operations have agreed to officially remove Station 4 from the Red Rock expansion.
  • Today, separation and divorce are not as frowned upon.
  • ... breeding site, the males usually arriving first, calling and setting up territories.
  • ... his first visit to Paris as a gift to his hosts, Robert and Mabel Schirmer.
  • Whenever an army is raised for common defense, colonels and military ranks below colonel will be named by the...
  • Which is the capital of the United States, Washington or New York?
  • Which would you like to have with your bread, butter or cheese?
  • ... yields are around 2 t/ha, African under 1 t/ha, Egypt and Arabia up to 3.5 to 4 t/ha with irrigation.
  • While air, water and food are necessary for life, we cannot so easily categorize the prerequisites of happiness.
  • Since rice, maize and manioc have replaced traditional African foods, the ...
  • With cats, dogs and rabbits as the most popular pets for children, we find that ...
  • In Art, Music and Literature, these themes are common.
  • In addition to buses, trams and taxis, popular modes of transport are ...
  • Thanks to television, boys and girls are apt to neglect reading books.
  • When I was little, grandpa and grandma would come to baby-sit.
  • I like animals, for example, cats and dogs.
  • The mermaids, wood and house goblins, werewolves, nix, and different kinds of ...
  • There are two doctors in his circle of friends, a surgeon and an ophthalmologist.
  • The town in ruins, burning, people and children being killed.
  • Massage well into damp hair, lather and rinse.
  • Yesterday, Peter and I went to the zoo.
  • I saw a wolf, a fox, and a rabbit.
  • On Wednesday, Dabhol and the board are due for the second time to meet a committee set up by the state government to negotiate a solution.
  • As a result of these recent events, all activities and responsibilities of the Associate / Analyst Program are being transitioned to Human Resources.
  • Look guys, the window and even the kitchen door have both been left open!
  • To each question, the catechumen, or, in the case of an infant, the parents and sponsor(s) (godparent(s)) in his or her place, answers "I do."
  • Żubroń while separate species, the Aurochs and the Bison ("Buffalo") are more closely related than asses and horses.
  • As a result, the Senators and participants in the Council were able to develop a solid understanding of the challenges facing both government and business.
  • The language to which I refer is found in Article 4.3, "Collateral "Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company and the Customer agree to negotiate in good faith a netting agreement that will eliminate or reduce the need for a letter of credit to be supplied by Customer and that until such netting agreement is executed by the parties, a Letter of Credit under this provision shall not be required.
  • Given recent bearish action, the Nasdaq and SP 500 could see more downside.
  • As a result of these recent events, all activities and responsibilities of the Associate / Analyst Program are being transitioned to Human Resources.
  • Unlike most theropods, Albertosaurus and other tyrannosaurids were heterodont, with teeth of different forms depending on their position in the mouth.
  • Upon formation, all assets and liabilities of the DealBench business will be assigned to, and assumed by the new LLC.
  • Per the Residential Customer Agreement, all programming and prices are subject to change with or without notice.
  • Unlike the first landing on Apollo 11, Conrad and Bean achieved a precise landing at their expected location, the site of the Surveyor 3 unmanned probe, which had landed on April 20, 1967.
  • Due to market conditions, Marketing and Operations have agreed to officially remove Station 4 from the Red Rock expansion.
  • "Two, a daughter and son."
  • In 1841, Lovelace and Medora Leigh (daughter of Lord Byron's half-sister Augusta Leigh) were told by Ada's mother that her father was also Medora's father.
  • At age eight, Spears and her mother Lynne traveled to Atlanta for an audition in the 1990s revival of The Mickey Mouse Club.
  • Among Christian beliefs, the death and resurrection of Jesus are two core events on which much of Christian doctrine and theology is based.
  • This year, all pledges and contributions must be done by using the computer system.
  • All terrain tiles, some landscape features, all monsters and objects, and some spell/effect graphics take the form of Windows 3.1 icons.
  • By the end of the year, all French and Zairian troops were withdrawn.
  • The bulk of the club's support base comes from the London Boroughs of Lewisham, Greenwich, Bexley and Bromley and also north-west Kent.
Version: 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-02-05 22:33:09 +0100)