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Rule "He bought one that work (works) underwater"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description: He bought one that work (works) underwater
By default, this rule is not active in LanguageTool
Message: Possible subject-verb agreement error.
Category: Grammar (ID: GRAMMAR)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • Tamara is finishing a model that give impact according to rate design.
    Correction suggestion: gives
  • He bought one that work underwater.
    Correction suggestion: works
  • I have another machine that run a slightly older build and it works fine
    Correction suggestion: runs
  • Usually,an engine that burn oil at an alarming rate will foul them.
    Correction suggestion: burns
  • The fact that are distinct is their prime years overlap.
    Correction suggestion: is
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • Hope that make sense!
  • Understanding that machine isn't all that easy.
  • Then that pipe started spraying.
  • Yeah that part should change.
  • Might that make sense?
  • Name another spell that will:
  • Games like that are head to head right?
  • Do you know many people that have done that?
  • Please note that Harry has asked that Mark Taylor review the plastics description.
  • Do you like watching that type of film?
  • A few that come to mind:
  • And that may be all that many households need, as long as you do you have a switch that still works without the hub.
  • None that are zwave, but there are two that are Wi-Fi and can work well.
  • There are 4 tasks that you can do each day that give small rewards such as…
  • Or that tool uses some older settings.
  • Intelligent species that have contacted other species
  • You mentioned four that are very ugly.
  • Don't wait anymore, push that out now.
  • The metrics that are gathered on the Capacity Analysis graph are based on instances.
  • I try to get a couple that are right > next to each other.
  • Steelhead that live out their lives in fresh water are called rainbow trout.
  • These seem to be intertwined phenomenon that are hard to untangle.
  • Revolv lets you control Insteon products, any way that will one day work?
  • Also, please note that in log, no errors are listed too.
  • I have a Centralite open close sensor that just quit being recognized by ST.
  • Something like this would serve to validate a system that still needs work.
  • I have the feeling that since last Sunday morning, years have gone by.
  • Yanni made a decision that nearly cost him his life.
  • # Bypass the fact that try_files resets $fastcgi_path_info
  • The ride control ecu should have diagnostics that identify failed struts.
  • Scooter also painted a sign that read "Lemonade 25 cents".
  • The team that beat us had a handful of Iroquois National players.
  • But I've had a bunch that aren't on there…
  • I hope the person that bid $60 will respond and "get you off the hook".
  • Maybe it could have been “if they are a boss, double that armor”
  • All services marked Automatic that aren't running except for xyz
  • Would love any help that people could give.
  • * Added option to force delete device that are references in any SmartApps.
  • The articles contain valuable information that explain the basic concepts of the energy shortage.
  • Santa Cruz has many establishment that contribute to its development.
  • If it's loosing coolant that fast, should be easy to find leak.
  • Cant seem to get any answers from Chrysler, never had a car that paint came off.
  • Words like chairman that contain two free morphemes (chair and man) are referred to as compound words.
  • If you are aware of copiers or fax equipment that are in offices, conference rooms or other closed areas, please notify Harry Grubbs at Ext.
  • I would like to request an opinion from EWEB's bond counsel that swap/other transaction payments are payable from the Operating Fund.
  • I can't remember if I marked any other changes on ;your version that are not in the attachment.
  • FYI, you've got several people on the referenced resolution that are no longer in your group.
  • Those customers participating in the plan will see bills this summer that are comparable to last summer's bills.
  • Have they made improvements to said abomination that are acceptable for the current level of business.
  • Mr. Scheidt said funds can't ignore major changes affecting pricing that occur after trading closes.
  • I told the customer that order # EXPR13904218 was on its way.
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Version: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-07-26 16:45:35 +0000)