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Rule "Singular verb after 'these' or 'those'"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description: Singular verb after 'these' or 'those'
Message: The verb '\2' is singular. Did you mean: this \2 or \1 \2?
Category: Grammar (ID: GRAMMAR)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • These includes the ring and the compass.
    Correction suggestion: This includes, These include
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • The most common of these is dot 5, which combines with the first letter of words.
  • The only thing that separates those two was a coin flip.
  • But the last time he updated these three was in 2020, for what I remember.
  • These confirms are being distributed internally within Enron at this time and remain subject to review by Enron commercial and counsel.
  • These Inters were on Kevin Presto's actual selection of candidates for his world.
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Version: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-07-26 16:45:35 +0000)