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Rule "Possible agreement error 'there're' + singular noun"

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Description: Possible agreement error 'there're' + singular noun
Message: <pleasespellme/>Possible agreement error. Did you mean <pleasespellme/>\5?
Category: Grammar (ID: GRAMMAR)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • There are many problem in Iraq.
    Correction suggestion: problems
  • There are a lot problem in Iraq but it is not a terrible situation.
    Correction suggestion: problems
  • There are glow under lights; the reflections on the water are beautiful.
    Correction suggestion: glows
  • There are few defect with this test.
    Correction suggestion: defects
  • There are a few computer to test.
    Correction suggestion: computers
  • There are many group that we can use.
    Correction suggestion: groups
  • There are couple in the corner.
    Correction suggestion: couples
  • There are no book in this library.
    Correction suggestion: books
  • There are many kind of computer vision systems, nevertheless...
    Correction suggestion: kinds
  • SCE is opposing the bill but there are several lobbyist who think this is all an ambush and SCE would love this bill.
    Correction suggestion: lobbyists
  • There are 94 Analyst and 70 Associates that will be coming on board this summer.
    Correction suggestion: Analysts
  • There are two kind of costs.
    Correction suggestion: kinds
  • There were only three adult in the room.
    Correction suggestion: adults
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • There are many problems in Iraq.
  • Other than this, there are no known surviving texts.
  • He was the best shot in India, and I expect that there are few better in London.
  • There are many other deliberately insulting terms.
  • There are a variety of other types.
  • There are ten known isoforms of adenylate cyclases in mammals.
  • Among them there are Rachid Boudjedra, Rachid Mimouni, Leila Sebbar, and Tahar Djaout.
  • Though there are several volunteer and semi-professional organizations.
  • There is a whole lot of problems in Iraq.
  • There are never fewer than eight of them on stage.
  • There are some even now.
  • There were the two of them - the brother and the sister.
  • There are some more like:
  • There are no recalls or complaints on the Civic airbag system, although there are airbag recalls on other vehicles.
  • There are food and waterborne diseases, bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, ...
  • There are many Taxicab and Hackney carriage services on the Island.
  • There are a boatload of events to attend outside of the panel.
  • There are many small to middle wounds.
  • There are glow up lights.
  • Among the most noted interpreters, there are Bahdja Rahal, Cheikh El Hadj Mohamed El Ghafour...
  • There are very few left by what I understand.
  • There are only a few of them.
  • There are Christmas, Easter and Mother's Day.
  • There are a few letter sounds we can use.
  • There are a group of people.
  • There are a computer of mine that needs repairing.
  • There are only few who do this.
  • There are a few out there.
  • There are several, including one by Millais.
  • There are just the two of us here.
  • There are a large number of other dodecahedra.
  • There are an infinite number of numbers.
  • There are 101 file sharing services out there already.
  • However, there are a vast variety of metal discuses to choose from.
  • And there are two inside.
  • There are no:
  • There are a good deal of books you can buy
  • But there are other, far more compelling reasons.
  • How many suicides do you think there are every year in Japan?
  • There are every book in this library.
  • There are very few tariff or non-tariff barriers to trade with...
  • There are some large tariff and non-tariff barriers to deal with.
  • There are a few tariff and non-tariff barriers to deal with.
  • There are no IR moves during the week.
  • There are total of 11 schools that I am applying.
  • There are total of 11 schools that I am applying.
  • On the other hand, there are several language shift processes currently taking place.
  • Richards said he is "actively pursuing" offering games, but there are no firm plans.
  • This would imply that his brother Gundomar was already dead, though there are no specific mentions of the event in the sources.
  • I too think there are some good tech buys, but the outlook for many ...
  • ... and there are many, several of which I have posted earlier.
  • There are 27 web and 0 usenet hits for her name as a string.
  • There are API's within the Android and iOS SDKs for noticing errors.
  • There were 47 Christian and 25 Jewish families on Malta.
  • There are 2 Tim Jones, Timothy Jones at ET&S and Tim R Jones
  • There are also possible linguistic and even physical survivals to be considered.
  • There are temperate broadleaf, mixed and coniferous forests.
  • This addtional V@R will be temporary until there are Board approved limits for these trading positions.
  • In the 20th century there were close to four hundred manuscripts still surviving, a testament to its former popularity.
  • There are no physical desk to desk deals today.
  • There are no vendor, regulatory, or otherwise, specifications for vibrations in this range.
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Version: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-04-19 22:33:07 +0200)