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Rule "to/two (too) late/soon/much"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description: to/two (too) late/soon/much
Message: Did you mean too?
Category: Commonly Confused Words (ID: CONFUSED_WORDS)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • It broke because to much snow was on it.
    Correction suggestion: too
  • I hate to replace them; they cost to much.
    Correction suggestion: too
  • They cost two much money.
    Correction suggestion: too
  • This led two much speculation.
    Correction suggestion: too
  • ... but it was because to much power was going to the doorbell.
    Correction suggestion: too
  • I hate to replace them; they cost to much.
    Correction suggestion: too
  • It is possible for Smarttapps to fail if the runtimes increase to much.
    Correction suggestion: too
  • Don’t change the report rate to report to much.
    Correction suggestion: too
  • We’re trying to avoid to much speculation until we collect sufficient data.
    Correction suggestion: too
  • What's been suggested isn’t to much of a stretch.
    Correction suggestion: too
  • In hindsight, I gave to much credit to the rest of the NFC
    Correction suggestion: too
  • My wife obviously has to much time.
    Correction suggestion: too
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • The password provides access to much more data.
  • It's limited to much shorter terms.
  • This led to much speculation.
  • It is restricted to few objects.
  • It is limited to few objects.
  • He will never amount to much.
  • It is applicable to few objects.
  • He listened to much more.
  • Did your efforts come to much?
  • ... and this leads to much more.
  • ... which leads to much more poverty.
  • ... and this amounted to much noise and nothing more.
  • ... which amounted to much more poverty.
  • ... and which contributes to much poverty in this country.
  • ... and this is also contributing to much poverty in this country.
  • We're not going to go too much more into it.
  • I do not think that Chinese married women of respectability could be induced to emigrate to much extent.
  • He hasn't been up to much.
  • I have talked to few students with Peter.
  • The earliest phases of the Big Bang are subject to much speculation.
  • The Flats have since then been home to much of the population of Greater Cape Town.
  • We look more reasonable and agree to much of what UDCs are proposing.
  • This led to much better "real world" performance.
  • In fact, according to much research in psychology, people do regularly demand such premiums.
  • The manager hasn't been up to much; he's quite boring.
  • She's not up to much these days
  • The manager hasn't been up to much. He stays in his office downstairs and doesn't interfere.
  • The pressure hasn't been up to much recently; we can say that the adjustments to the valves are satisfactory.
  • In contrast to much of the literature, we propose that...
  • Due to few attendees this week, I would like to cancel...
Pattern: Show XML · Show in Rule Editor
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ID: TO_TOO [8]
Version: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-07-26 16:45:35 +0000)