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Rule "...the situation in the (*omit the*) Ukraine"

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Description: ...the situation in the (*omit the*) Ukraine
Message: Since becoming an independent nation in 1991, the article 'the' has been dropped from the name of the country of Ukraine.
Category: Grammar (ID: GRAMMAR)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • I don’t doubt the bipartisan concern that’s been expressed about the situation in the Ukraine.
    Correction suggestion: Ukraine
  • Where is the proof of any Biden corruption in the Ukraine?
    Correction suggestion: Ukraine
  • New Zealand, Australia, and the Ukraine are among the few nations that export a significant percentage of the butter they produce.
    Correction suggestion: Ukraine
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • The Obama admin owns the Ukraine scandal.
  • Extremely curious to see how the Ukraine corruption situation effects ByeDone's standing.
  • Limiting impeachment chargers to just the Ukraine issue is exactly what Trump and repubs want.
  • I actually heard Ron Paul say on his podcast (keeping aware of the others) that the best place to get real coverage of the Ukraine and Iran situation is on RT.
  • The New York Times about “The Ukraine Crisis: What to Know About Why Russia Attacked"
  • They want to sever contracts to the Ukraine Aid Fund ��
  • They're skeptical of Biden’s approach to the Ukraine crisis (p. 128-129).
  • “The Ukraine situation has gotten out of hand."
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Version: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-07-26 16:45:35 +0000)