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Rule "we vs. be"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect.

Description: we vs. be
Message: Did you mean <suggestion>be</suggestion>?
Category: Commonly Confused Words (ID: CONFUSED_WORDS)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • Having a new car would probably we great.
    Correction suggestion: be
  • That would we very helpful.
    Correction suggestion: be
  • Using that, we might we able to reproduce and fix the issue.
    Correction suggestion: be
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • What time shall we meet tomorrow?
  • Can we ever truly be free?
  • Can we just not talk for a minute?
  • Can we on New York Governing Law?
  • Can we sticky these?
  • When shall we three meet again?
ID: WE_BE [1]
Version: 6.6-SNAPSHOT (2025-01-15 22:33:11 +0100)