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Rule "数量词的运用"

This is one of many errors that LanguageTool can detect. Visit the LanguageTool homepage to use it online or download it for free.

Description: 数量词的运用
Message: “枚”不能与“\3”搭配,请更换量词。
Category: 词法-虚词 (ID: CAT4)
Incorrect sentences
that this rule can detect:
  • 玫瑰花真漂亮。
Correct sentences
for comparison:
  • 这朵玫瑰花真漂亮。
Pattern: Show XML · Show in Rule Editor
Check the following text against just this rule:

ID: wa5 [26]
Version: 6.5-SNAPSHOT (2024-04-28 22:33:06 +0200)